A secure and customizable bot for controlling cross-server announcements and interactions within Discord



A secure and customizable bot for controlling cross-server announcements and interactions within Discord. Within the code of the bot, you can give it anywhere from one to one million different triggers that send a message to a targeted group.


It is best to create a channel specifically for giving commands to the bot.

How to Use

For every trigger you need a keyword, the command channel's ID, target channel, and the message you want sent.


The word you want to give the bot to tell it to send the message you want. Every trigger should start with universal symbol (!, $, #, ETC.) if message.content.startswith('TRIGGER')

Command Channel

The channel you want to send the commands in. message.channel.name == 'CHANNEL_NAME'

Target Channel

The channel receiving the message. channel = client.get_channel(CHANNELID)


The message youre sending. await channel.sent('MESSAGE')

Jacob Dorfmeister
Student, self-taught. Primarily Python, HTML5, and SQL.
Jacob Dorfmeister
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