A Discord Bot - has a few commands. Built using python - Discord.py - RIP.



A Discord Bot has been built here. It is capable of running a few commands.

The below present screenshot should suffice in terms of explaining the available commands and capabilities of the bot:

Contributing to Discord Bot

Hello and welcome! We are so glad that you are interested in contributing to the Discord Bot! We only have a couple of rules and we hope you enjoy the process :)

Contributing Rules

  1. Don't move or delete any files. Only modify them.
  2. Put all bot related codes in the main.py file.

Contributing Process

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your forked repository to your computer
  3. Head to the issues tab and look for an issue that you like.
  4. Once you have decided what issue to work on, give it a shot!
  5. Once done, push the code to your forked repository.
  6. Head to the Pull Requests tab and click on "Create New Pull Request"
  7. On the left of the arrow should be this repo and on the right should be yours.
  8. Add a small description to the Pull Request describing what you've done.
  9. Mention what Issue you have worked on. If the issue number is #3, you can mention "Closes #3" in the Pull Request description.
  10. Submit Pull Request

It's that easy! We hope you enjoy contributing to our repository. Don't hesitate to contact any of the maintainers about any problems!

Built with Discord.py - RIP.

Manab Kumar Biswas
CSE PESUECC 24' || Competitive Coding Enthusiast
Manab Kumar Biswas
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