A command line tool made in Python for the popular rhythm game



A command line tool made in Python for the popular rhythm game "osu!" that changes the player name of a .osr file (replay file).



Notice that in the top left corner it says "Played by haga1115".

Example #2:


Now, notice that it's changed from "Played by haga1115" to "Played by RyuK". osr!name has changed the name! If you send the .osr file of the replay to someone else, it will stay the same.

Cool, how do I download this?


For Windows users, all you have to do is click on this and then follow this tutorial!


For Linux users, it's not that hard. But you'll need Python 3.10.0 installed and the osrtools-legacy library installed (you can download osrtools-legacy with this command: pip3 install osrtools-legacy) All you have to do is go to the Releases page, and then click "osr.name.py" to download! To run the program, cd into the directory the file was downloaded in, and run python3 osr.name.py.

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  • dumping merged into osrparse

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    hello once again plextora! dumping was successfully merged into the main osrparse library, with just a little change! now, to dump the replay, you need to call the .dump(file_path) function in the Replay class itself! so, something like:

    import osrparse
    replay = osrparse.parse_replay_file("path/to/osr.osr")

    (P.S. remember to change the readme about the module to install this time! haha)

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  • moving out from osrtools-legacy

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    just saying that you should move into the fork in this repo you can easily install the fork into pip by uninstalling the original osrparse and installing the fork:

    pip uninstall osrparse
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    all instructions are in the README of the branch! i also made a PR to the original repo, so it might be eventually moved into the original osrparse itself

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