This is a simple unofficial async Api-wrapper for



This is a simple unofficial async Api-wrapper for


$ pip install async_tio


import asyncio
import async_tio

async def main():

    async with await async_tio.Tio() as tio:
        print(tio.languages) #list of all supported languages

        #execute the code
        return await tio.execute("print('hello world')", language="python3")

    #Or you can do
    tio = await async_tio.Tio() #instantiate a Tio object
    #do stuff
    #at the end
    await tio.close()

output =

print(str(output)) #the formatted output along with the stats
print(int(output)) #returns the exit status

# dict_keys(['token', 'output', 'stdout', 'real_time', 'user_time', 'sys_time', 'cpu_usage', 'exit_status'])
# all the attributes of the response object
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