Mailrise is an SMTP server that converts the emails it receives into Apprise notifications


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An SMTP gateway for Apprise notifications.


Mailrise is an SMTP server that converts the emails it receives into Apprise notifications. The intended use case is as an email relay for a home lab or network. By accepting ordinary email, Mailrise enables Linux servers, Internet of Things devices, surveillance systems, and outdated software to gain access to the full suite of 60+ notification services supported by Apprise, from Matrix to Nextcloud to your desktop or mobile device.

Just as email brought written messages into the 21st century, Mailrise brings email notifications into the year 2021 and beyond. Compared to a conventional SMTP server, it's more secure, too—no more replicating your Gmail password to each of your Linux boxes!

A Mailrise daemon is configured with a list of Apprise configuration files. Email senders encode the name of the desired configuration file into the recipient address. Mailrise then constructs the resulting Apprise notification(s) using the selected configuration.

A minimalist Mailrise configuration, for example, might contain a single Apprise configuration for Pushover:

      - pover://[...]

And email senders would be able to select this configuration by using the recipient address:

[email protected]

It is also possible to specify one of the four Apprise notification types:

[email protected]

Email attachments will also pass through to Apprise if the addressed notification service(s) support attachments.

Mailrise is the sucessor to SMTP Translator, a previous project of mine that articulated a similar concept but was designed solely for Pushover.


As a Docker container

An official Docker image is available from Docker Hub. To use it, you must bind mount a configuration file to /etc/mailrise.conf.

From PyPI

You can find Mailrise on PyPI.

Once installed, you should write a configuration file and then configure Mailrise to run as a service. Here is the suggested systemd unit file:

Description=Mailrise SMTP notification relay

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/mailrise /etc/mailrise.conf


From source

This repository is structured like any other Python package. To install it in editable mode for development or debugging purposes, use:

pip install -e .

To build a wheel, use:

tox -e build


The mailrise program accepts a path to a YAML configuration file that encapsulates the daemon's entire configuration. The root node of this file should be a dictionary. Mailrise accepts the following keys (periods denote sub-dictionaries):

Key Type Value
configs dictionary

Contains the Apprise configurations. The key is the name of the configuration and the value is the YAML configuration itself, exactly as it would be specified in a standalone file for Apprise.

The configuration name must not contain a period. string

Specifies the network address to listen on.

Defaults to all interfaces.

listen.port number

Specifies the network port to listen on.

Defaults to 8025.

tls.mode string

Selects the operating mode for TLS encryption. Must be off, onconnect, starttls, or starttlsrequire.

Defaults to off.

tls.certfile string If TLS is enabled, specifies the path to the certificate chain file. This file must be unencrypted and in PEM format.
tls.keyfile string If TLS is enabled, specifies the path to the key file. This file must be unencrypted and in PEM format.
smtp.hostname string

Specifies the hostname used when responding to the EHLO command.

Defaults to the system FQDN.


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.0.2. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see

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