This repository provides train&test code, dataset, det.&rec. annotation, evaluation script, annotation tool, and ranking.


SCUT-CTW1500 Datasets

We have updated annotations for both train and test set.

Train: 1000 images [images][annos]

Additional point annotation for each character is included. Example can be referred to here.

wget -O
wget -O

Test: 500 images [images][annos]

wget -O
wget -O

Note all Chinese texts are annotated with '###' (ignore) in this updated version, because the number of Chinese is too small for both training and testing purpose. ArT and LSVT two optional large-scale arbitrarily-shaped text benchmarks for both Chinese and English.

SCUT-CTW1500 Evaluation

Original detection only evaluation script.

For both detection and end-to-end evaluation in the updated version, please refer to here. This scipt also includes evaluation example for Total-text.


The project is outdated and will not be maintained anymore. Original info is kept in


The SCUT-CTW1500 database is free to the academic community for research only.

For other purpose, please contact Dr. Lianwen Jin: [email protected]

Yuliang Liu
South China University of Technology; University of Adelaide
Yuliang Liu
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