Python Wrapper For sqlite3 and aiosqlite



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Python wrapper for sqlite3 & aiosql

Table of Contents


To install dblite, simply:

$ python3 -m pip install -U git+

Getting Started

#! /usr/bin/env python3

import asyncio
from dblite import dbLite, aioDbLite

def main():
    db = dbLite('db1.db')
    db.create('users', id='int', name='text', age='int', pos='text')
    db.add('users', id=1, name='Jhon', age=32, pos='Developer')
    db.add('users', id=2, name='Doe', age=30, pos='Manager')
    db.add('users', id=3, name='Rio', age=29, pos='Marketing')
    db.remove('users', id=3)
    db.update('users', age=31, pos='CEO', id=1)
    print('users', '*', id=1))

async def amain():
    aiodb = await aioDbLite('db2.db')
    await aiodb.create('users', id='int', name='text', age='int', pos='text')
    await aiodb.add('users', id=1, name='Jhon', age=32, pos='Developer')
    await aiodb.add('users', id=2, name='Doe', age=30, pos='Manager')
    await aiodb.add('users', id=3, name='Rio', age=29, pos='Marketing')
    await aiodb.remove('users', id=3)
    await aiodb.update('users', age=31, pos='CEO', id=1)
    print(await'users', '*', id=1))
    await aiodb.close()



# sync
# create table
# add data
[(1, 'Jhon', 32, 'Developer'), (2, 'Doe', 30, 'Manager'), (3, 'Rio', 29, 'Marketing')]
# remove Rio
[(1, 'Jhon', 32, 'Developer'), (2, 'Doe', 30, 'Manager')]
# update Jhone age
[(1, 'Jhon', 31, 'CEO'), (2, 'Doe', 30, 'Manager')]
# show user with id 1
[(1, 'Jhon', 31, 'CEO')]

# async
# create table
# add data
[(1, 'Jhon', 32, 'Developer'), (2, 'Doe', 30, 'Manager'), (3, 'Rio', 29, 'Marketing')]
# remove Rio
[(1, 'Jhon', 32, 'Developer'), (2, 'Doe', 30, 'Manager')]
# update Jhone age
[(1, 'Jhon', 31, 'CEO'), (2, 'Doe', 30, 'Manager')]
# show user with id 1
[(1, 'Jhon', 31, 'CEO')]
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