This is a simple graph database in SQLite, inspired by

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This is a simple graph database in SQLite, inspired by "SQLite as a document database".


The schema consists of just two structures:

  • Nodes - these are any json objects, with the only constraint being that they each contain a unique id value
  • Edges - these are pairs of node id values, specifying the direction, with an optional json object as connection properties




Basic Functions

The python database script provides convenience functions for atomic transactions to add, delete, connect, and search for nodes.

Any single node or path of nodes can also be depicted graphically by using the visualize function within the database script to generate dot files, which in turn can be converted to images with Graphviz.


There will be more robust and dedicated unit tests with pytest soon, but in the meantime, running the example locally will do in a pinch.

This bit of shell magic will pull out the commands from this document:

grep ">>> " | grep -v "grep" | sed -e 's/>>> //'

Use a final | clip (Windows), | pbcopy (macOS), or | xclip -selection clipboard (most linuxes) to copy all the commands into your clipboard.

If you have the correct version of SQLite installed, everything should just work without errors.


Dropping into a python shell, we can create, upsert, and connect people from the early days of Apple Computer. The resulting database will be saved to a SQLite file named apple.sqlite:

>>> apple = "apple.sqlite"
>>> import database as db
>>> db.initialize(apple)
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.add_node({'name': 'Apple Computer Company', 'type':['company', 'start-up'], 'founded': 'April 1, 1976'}, 1))
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.add_node({'name': 'Steve Wozniak', 'type':['person','engineer','founder']}, 2))
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.add_node({'name': 'Steve Jobs', 'type':['person','designer','founder']}, 3))
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.add_node({'name': 'Ronald Wayne', 'type':['person','administrator','founder']}, 4))
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.add_node({'name': 'Mike Markkula', 'type':['person','investor']}, 5))
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.connect_nodes(2, 1, {'action': 'founded'}))
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.connect_nodes(3, 1, {'action': 'founded'}))
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.connect_nodes(4, 1, {'action': 'founded'}))
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.connect_nodes(5, 1, {'action': 'invested', 'equity': 80000, 'debt': 170000}))
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.connect_nodes(1, 4, {'action': 'divested', 'amount': 800, 'date': 'April 12, 1976'}))
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.connect_nodes(2, 3))
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.upsert_node(2, {'nickname': 'Woz'}))

The nodes can be searched by their ids or any other combination of attributes (either as strict equality, or using _search_like in combination with _search_starts_with or _search_contains):

>>> db.atomic(apple, db.find_node(1))
{'name': 'Apple Computer Company', 'type': ['company', 'start-up'], 'founded': 'April 1, 1976', 'id': 1}
>>> db.atomic(apple, db.find_nodes({'name': 'Steve'}, db._search_like, db._search_starts_with))
[{'name': 'Steve Wozniak', 'type': ['person', 'engineer', 'founder'], 'id': 2, 'nickname': 'Woz'}, {'name': 'Steve Jobs', 'type': ['person', 'designer', 'founder'], 'id': 3}]

Paths through the graph can be discovered with a starting node id, and an optional ending id; the default neighbor expansion is nodes connected nodes in either direction, but that can changed by specifying either find_outbound_neighbors or find_inbound_neighbors instead:

>>> db.traverse(apple, 2, 3)
[2, 3]
>>> db.traverse(apple, 4, 5)
[4, 1, 5]
>>> db.traverse(apple, 5, neighbors_fn=db.find_inbound_neighbors)
>>> db.traverse(apple, 5, neighbors_fn=db.find_outbound_neighbors)
[5, 1, 4]
>>> db.traverse(apple, 5, neighbors_fn=db.find_neighbors)
[5, 1, 4, 3, 2]

Any path or list of nodes can rendered graphically by using the visualize function. This command produces dot files, which are also rendered as images with Graphviz:

>>> db.visualize(apple, '', [4, 1, 5])

The resulting text file also comes with an associated image (the default is png, but that can be changed by supplying a different value to the format parameter)

The default options include every key/value pair (excluding the id) in the node and edge objects:

Basic visualization

There are display options to help refine what is produced:

>>> db.visualize(apple, '', [4, 1, 5], exclude_node_keys=['type'], hide_edge_key=True)

More refined visualization

The resulting dot file can be edited further as needed; the dot guide has more options and examples.

  • Find Node

    Find Node

    Why do you use fetchall() and not fetchone()?

    opened by chhenning 5
  • Ambiguous nature of ID

    Ambiguous nature of ID

    Id's are numerical in the tests which JSONDecoder is happy with despite the unnecessary need to decode the IDs as JSON.

    If you create a key as a string for instance this will work but will not be possible to decode as the json library in python expects strings to be explicitly quoted. Thus you cannot traverse or visualise if edges aren't double quoted strings.

    Should I be double quoting my strings for IDs?

    I'll post a coded example later on if this isn't clear

    opened by marksbrown 4
  •  support a uuid as

    support a uuid as

    • support a string (e.g. uuid '5b86cc504bda4c7e94d47d00a7696bde') as

    • int64 as are not supported. I tried to us a long int


    P.S. Thank you for your work. This library has made my day.

    opened by lepy 4
  • Error initializing database

    Error initializing database

    Context: MacOS Mojave, SQLite3, Python 3.8.5

    The default sqlite3 binary in MacOS Mojave does not have the JSON extensions enabled.

    Fix: Install sqlite via brew Add to shell initialization file: export PATH="/usr/local/opt/sqlite/bin:$PATH"

    opened by mrdcbrush 4
  • Searching for nodes where query must match a value in an array in the body

    Searching for nodes where query must match a value in an array in the body

    I'm looking to do something like this

    from simple_graph_sqlite import database as db 
    dbfile = "db.sqlite"
    db.atomic(dbfile, db.add_node({'name': 'foo', 'type':['company', 'start-up']}, 1))
    db.atomic(dbfile, db.add_node({'name': 'bar', 'type':['cat', 'apple']}, 1))
    db.atomic(apple, db.find_nodes({'type': 'apple'}, db._search_like, db._search_starts_with))

    But I don't think the last statement works

    opened by rajarshi 3
  • Multiple Node Connections in visualize

    Multiple Node Connections in visualize

    If I am having a graph with multiple nodes attached to a single node (e.g. node 7), the command db.visualize(graph, '', db.traverse(graph, 7, neighbors_fn=db.find_outbound_neighbors)) only visualizes the first connection found in db.find_outbound_neighbors. Is there a way to automatically visualize all connections?

    opened by defaltus 3
  • Thank You

    Thank You


    This isn't an issue, just wanted to say thanks for creating simple-graph!

    I used it as the basis for a Julia package (, since as far as I know, there's no graph database that has a Julia interface. I made some minor changes tailored to my specific use case, but I wouldn't have been able to put it together so easily without the help of your work, so thanks again!

    opened by joshday 1
  • No Traverse with TEXT ID

    No Traverse with TEXT ID

    When I use IDs like meta6 the traverse is not working.

    print(db.traverse(db_file_name, 'meta6', neighbors_fn=db.find_neighbors))

    This only prints ['"meta6"'].

    In the atomic(), I enabled tracing via:


    and the query is incorrect:

    PRAGMA foreign_keys = TRUE;
    WITH RECURSIVE traverse(id) AS (
      SELECT '"meta6"'
      SELECT source FROM edges JOIN traverse ON target = id
      SELECT target FROM edges JOIN traverse ON source = id
    ) SELECT id FROM traverse;

    Changing it to

    PRAGMA foreign_keys = TRUE;
    WITH RECURSIVE traverse(id) AS (
      SELECT 'meta6'
      SELECT source FROM edges JOIN traverse ON target = id
      SELECT target FROM edges JOIN traverse ON source = id
    ) SELECT id FROM traverse;

    makes it work.

    opened by chhenning 1
  • SQL errors result in database being locked

    SQL errors result in database being locked

    Hi - very handy package!

    I've been playing with it and Ive noticed that if I try to insert a duplicate node, it throws the expected IntegrityError. But after that, subsequent operations fail due to the db being locked.

    Looking at atomic I think this is because the db is not being closed. I modified it to wrap it in try/finally and it seems to solve the problem.

    def atomic(db_file, cursor_exec_fn):
        connection = None
            connection = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = TRUE;")
            results = cursor_exec_fn(cursor)
            if connection: 
        return results
    opened by rajarshi 0
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