🎨 Generate and change color-schemes on the fly.


Generate and change color-schemes on the fly.


Pywal is a tool that generates a color palette from the dominant colors in an image. It then applies the colors system-wide and on-the-fly in all of your favourite programs.

There are currently 5 supported color generation backends, each providing a different palette of colors from each image. You're bound to find an appealing color-scheme.

Pywal also supports predefined themes and has over 250 themes built-in. You can also create your own theme files to share with others.

The goal of Pywal was to be as out of the way as possible. It doesn't modify any of your existing configuration files. Instead it works around them and provides tools to integrate your system as you see fit.

Terminal emulators and TTYs have their color-schemes updated in real-time with no delay. With minimal configuration this functionality can be extended to almost anything running on your system.

More: [Installation] [Getting Started] [Customization] [Wiki] [Screenshots]

  • OS X Problems

    OS X Problems

    Downloaded pywal with pip3, used wal -i image.jpg then background turned black and Dock disappeared, so I'm unable to change background and show dock + some bugs appeared. No such problem as another user

    OS Mojave MacBook Pro Mid 2012

    opened by ForsHant 41
  • rofi color don't change

    rofi color don't change

    I have i3-gaps, I've runned wal -i <path to image> and the color changed on everything except for rofi

    my config.rasi [rofi config color scheme]

    /* global settings and color variables */
    * {
       maincolor:        #ed8712;
       highlight:        bold #ed8712;
       urgentcolor:      #e53714;
       fgwhite:          #cfcfcf;
       blackdarkest:     #1d1d1d;
       blackwidget:      #262626;
       blackentry:       #292929;
       blackselect:      #303030;
       darkgray:         #848484;
       scrollbarcolor:   #505050;
       font: "Hack 8";
       background-color: @blackdarkest;

    i run rofi via i3 config using

    bindsym $mod+d exec rofi -show run -separator-style solid -font "Hack 8"
    bindsym $mod+shift+d exec rofi -show window -separator-style solid -font "Hack 8"

    my .Xresource

    ! freetype2-infinality
    Xft.autohint: 0
    Xft.lcdfilter:  lcddefault
    Xft.hintstyle:  hintslight
    Xft.hinting: 1
    Xft.antialias: 1
    Xft.rgba: rgb
    ! special
    *.foreground:   #a8a19f
    *.background:   #1b1918
    *.cursorColor:  #a8a19f
    ! black
    *.color0:       #1b1918
    *.color8:       #766e6b
    ! red
    *.color1:       #f22c40
    *.color9:       #f22c40
    ! green
    *.color2:       #5ab738
    *.color10:      #5ab738
    ! yellow
    *.color3:       #d5911a
    *.color11:      #d5911a
    ! blue
    *.color4:       #407ee7
    *.color12:      #407ee7
    ! magenta
    *.color5:       #6666ea
    *.color13:      #6666ea
    ! cyan
    *.color6:       #00ad9c
    *.color14:      #00ad9c
    ! white
    *.color7:       #a8a19f
    *.color15:      #f1efee
    URxvt.termName:    rxvt-256color
    URxvt.transparent: true
    URxvt.shading:     10
    URxvt.fading:      15
    URxvt.font:        xft:Hack:pixelsize=10, xft:Hack:antialias=false, xft:Hack:antialias=false
    URxvt.saveLines:         4096
    URxvt.scrollBar:         false
    URxvt.scrollTtyOutput:   false
    URxvt.scrollWithBuffer:  true
    URxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: true
    URxvt.urgentOnBell:      true
    URxvt.iconFile:          /usr/share/icons/Numix-Circle/48x48/apps/xterm-color_48x48.svg
    URxvt.perl-lib:       ~/.config/urxvt
    URxvt.perl-ext:       default,cspace,font-size,url-select,tabbedex
    URxvt.url-launcher:   /usr/bin/xdg-open
    ! Tabbedex features
    URxvt.tabbed.new-button:       no
    URxvt.tabbed.autohide:         yes
    URxvt.tabbed.no-tabbedex-keys: yes
    ! Tabbedex colors
    URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-fg:   244
    URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-bg:   16
    URxvt.tabbed.tab-fg:      255
    URxvt.tabbed.tab-bg:      52
    URxvt.tabbed.bell-tab-fg: 255
    URxvt.tabbed.bell-tab-bg: 160
    URxvt.tabbed.bell-fg:     244
    URxvt.tabbed.bell-bg:     17
    URxvt.tabbed.title-fg:    28
    URxvt.tabbed.title-bg:    16
    ! Tabbedex keybindings (4-1: Super + Alt)
    URxvt.keysym.4-1-Down:    perl:tabbedex:new_tab
    URxvt.keysym.4-1-Left:    perl:tabbedex:prev_tab
    URxvt.keysym.4-1-Right:   perl:tabbedex:next_tab
    URxvt.keysym.4-1-Up:      perl:tabbedex:rename_tab
    URxvt.keysym.4-1-C-Left:  perl:tabbedex:move_tab_left
    URxvt.keysym.4-1-C-Right: perl:tabbedex:move_tab_right
    ! Font-size (C-1: Ctrl + Alt)
    URxvt.keysym.C-1-Up:     perl:font-size:increase
    URxvt.keysym.C-1-Down:   perl:font-size:decrease
    URxvt.keysym.C-S-1-Up:   perl:font-size:incglobal
    URxvt.keysym.C-S-1-Down: perl:font-size:decglobal
    ! url-select
    URxvt.keysym.M-u: perl:url-select:select_next
    URxvt.url-select.launcher: /usr/bin/xdg-open
    URxvt.url-select.underline: yes
    ! rofi -- dmenu clone
    rofi.opacity:  100
    rofi.width:    90
    rofi.lines:    25
    rofi.font:     Iosevka Medium 10
    rofi.location: 0
    rofi.padding:  5
    rofi.color-enabled: true
    rofi.color-window: #3f3f3f, #000000, #000000
    ! State:           bg,      fg,      bgalt    hlbg,    hlfg
    ! zenburn:         bg,      fg,      bg-05,   bg+1,    fg+1
    rofi.color-normal: #3f3f3f, #dcdccc, #383838, #4f4f4f, #ffffef
    !                  blue-4,  fg,      blue-5,  blue-3,  fg+1
    rofi.color-active: #4c7073, #dcdccc, #366060, #5c888b, #ffffef
    !                  red-4,   fg,      red-5,   red-3,   fg+1
    rofi.color-urgent: #8c5353, #dcdccc, #7c4343, #9c6363, #ffffef
    !(call-process-shell-command "xrdb -load ~/.Xresources")

    i have no clue why is not changing rofi color scheme

    P.S. does pywal works with polybar, if yes how can i change the color of that too?

    opened by nautilor 23
  • Added emacs colors

    Added emacs colors

    I tried to add an emacs colorscheme, it's basically xresources-theme but with the xresources bits ripped out of it and replaced with pywal templates.
    It does look a bit weird but it's better than no color-hot-swapping:


    Usage is simply (load-file "~/.cache/wal/colors.el") in ielm and/or .emacs.el, M-x load-file or from the command line (can also be automated after wal is executed), something like $ emacs -batch --eval='(load-file "~/.cache/wal/colors.el")'

    opened by ohmree 23
  • Macos broke after using wal command

    Macos broke after using wal command

    Alright I am going to try to give as much relevant information as I can, but I am in a specific scenario. I install yabai on my mac and also disabled SIP, so this is what I think is the main issue. I used this for about a week with no issues. I then installed pywal with pip3. Upon using the "wal -i" command with an image, my background went black, the dock.app stopped running, workspaces and mission control stopped running. Applications will still run and finder works, but dock.app wont restart, and upon trying to kill any instances of it already running, there are none to be found. I think this is an issue with running wal with SIP disabled, does it edit any system files that could be an issue? Also let me know if you need more information to diagnose this.

    opened by AWOLASAP 21
  • Alacritty doesn't seem to be working with wal

    Alacritty doesn't seem to be working with wal

    I installed Void Linux today and finally managed to get pywal working (it only has py3.5 so I compiled 3.6.1 with pyenv) and since it doesn't have Termite (my go-to terminal) in it's repos I decided to try Alacritty (it's supposed to be fast). So turns out it's dash-fast, as in "lacks too many useful features" (probably because it's still in alpha). The printf "%b" "\033]11;#ff0000\007" does nothing so I guess you should add it to the list. I tried to make it work with wal by having a config.yml that contains non-color options and an auto-generated colors.yml that has colors (used termcolors to convert to Alacritty's format), what I did was add this function:

    function fix_alacritty() {
    	local dir="${HOME}/.config/alacritty"
    	rm "${dir}/alacritty.yml"
    	cat "${dir}/config.yml" "${dir}/colors.yml" >> "${dir}/alacritty.yml"

    And call it in the script that gets executed after wal, turns out Alacritty needs everything to be in specific positions for the thing to work (it is possible with some mad regex-foo or yaml parsing, both of which I'm no good at and not going to try doing since the benefits aren't that good, not being able to change colors on the fly is a bummer)

    So I guess it's not really an issue with wal but I'm just letting you know

    opened by ohmree 20
  • cat sequences causes ]708;[100]#040805 to appear in new termite terminal

    cat sequences causes ]708;[100]#040805 to appear in new termite terminal

    $ wal -v wal 3.2.1

    For me it seems that commit https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal/commit/da0e2ff05a885422dfc61fc87ae3c68ec713751b introduced the issue. In my opinion set_color should be used instead of set_special (at least for me that resolved it). (Also adding 4; before 708; in .cache/wal/sequences solves the issue temporarily)

    During the debugging of this I found another minor coding issue: in set_special() the default value for alpha is 100 (the number), while later in the function the alpha is compared to the string "100"(in python the number and string 100 are different), thus even if the alpha parameter is omitted and the value of it is 100 it will be added to the sequence. (Again, this is nothing serious, just wanted to leave a note about it)

    opened by pucerpocok 19
  • Wallpaper turning black

    Wallpaper turning black

    Hey there, I've been having an issue where wal seems to change the desktop to an all black image. It changes the colorscheme in the open terminals and vim but the wallpaper gets messed up. It may have to do with a messy install I had, since Python 3.6 doesn't seem to be what pip uses on my system, so I installed it via "sudo -H python3.6 -m pip install pywal". I installed pywal once before and it was working great, but uninstalled and reinstalled it and that's when the issues started. As for my system, I'm running Ubuntu 17.04 with Gnome using the Gnome terminal. The command I'm using for wal is simply "wal -t -i ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/wallpaper.jpg"

    can't reproduce 
    opened by westfelia 19
  • How to use pywal with qtile?

    How to use pywal with qtile?

    I can see the bit for code provided for qtille (https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal/wiki/Customization#qtile) but I'm not really sure how to integrate it with my config.

    Right now, I use the pywal functionality in Luke Smith's setbg script to change the colour of my terminal emulator (https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/voidrice/blob/master/.local/bin/setbg). This script changes the wallpaper and then uses pywal on the new wallpaper.

    Does the qtile customisation code which pywal's wiki provids change both the terminal and bar colour? I'm not really sure how to add it to my config: haman_config.txt (rename to config.py accordingly)

    opened by hamensman 14
  • Please add suport for Dunst

    Please add suport for Dunst

    Hello. Thank you for your hard work with this project. I have one request. Would it be possible to extend the functionality of the program by adding dunst (it is a lightweight replacement for the notification-daemons provided by most desktop environments) support?

    opened by Minda1975 14
  • [Question] Not change cursor color

    [Question] Not change cursor color

    Is there a way I can configure pywal to not change the cursor color? That's a little thing that's been bothering me because fonts of the same color as the cursor disappear. With the default cursor it changes its color to match the color of the current character, but the character itself appears black. Can I make that behaviour to be wal's behaviour?

    opened by bigodel 14
  • Severe problems with macOS 10.14 Mojave

    Severe problems with macOS 10.14 Mojave


    I'm using macOS 10.14 Mojave and when I set a wallpaper with pywal I get a few problems:

    • Desktop turns black
    • Dock crashes and cannot be restarted
    • Cannot launch Safari, but I can launch Chrome

    Of course there might be other errors that I just haven't noticed. I'm running in dark mode and I'm using a fresh/clean installation of macOS.

    The problem is similar to #292. Once I delete the file "desktoppicture.db" in "/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Dock" everything works fine again. But as soon as I try setting the wallpaper with pywal again I get the exact same errors as I mentioned above.

    I looked at the code and I cannot understand how simply changing a wallpaper can cause such massive errors (the system literally becomes unusable), but maybe someone with more background knowledge can chime in.

    opened by pycebs 13
  • Pywal color change in fish shell

    Pywal color change in fish shell

    How to make pywal change color with real time background image? That is, when wallpaper changes pywal's color should change automatically in fish shell

    For KDE am using , grep 'Image=' ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc | sed 's/Image=//' this to fetch image

    Can someone tell how can I write the code?

    opened by AmithKumar1 1
  • wal doesn't regenerate colors if input file already has a cached scheme with the same name

    wal doesn't regenerate colors if input file already has a cached scheme with the same name

    If I run wal with wal -i path/to/symlink the colors aren't regenerated, if a cached color scheme for that symlink already exists in ~/.cache/wal/schemes, even if the symlink changes destinations. I haven't tried it out, but I think the same thing probably also holds true, if a normal image would be switched out but would keep it's name. So the issue isn't necessarily symbolic links, but rather that wal doesn't detect, if the underlying image has changed.

    I think there are two possible solutions for that problem:

    1. add an argument to wal, which forces wal to ignore the cache and always regenerate the color scheme
    2. add a checksum of the image file to the cached json scheme, which if different also forces the regeneration of the color scheme
    opened by SPFabGerman 0
  • Fallback for monochromatic and pale photos

    Fallback for monochromatic and pale photos

    Generated color scheme from B&W photos is just grayscale.

    A feature where pywal would skip generating grayscale color scheme or fallback to a preset one would solve this issue.

    opened by AvidSeeker 0
  • Leftwm changed from toml to ron format

    Leftwm changed from toml to ron format

    Could you make a new file for leftwm?

    Toml configuration was like this.

    border_width = 1
    margin = [1, 1]
    default_border_color = "#4c566a"
    floating_border_color = "#4c566a"
    focused_border_color = "#5e81ac"

    And ron configuration is like this.

    border_width: 1,
    margin: [1, 1],
    default_border_color: "#4c566a",
    floating_border_color: "#4c566a",
    focused_border_color: "#5e81ac",

    I better put @vuimuch in copy if that is possible here.

    opened by arcolinuxz 1
  • 3.3.0(Jan 21, 2019)

    • Fixed issue with garbage printed to terminals. Use --vte with each wal invocation.
    • Fixed URxvt borders not respecting background opacity. @rstacruz
    • Fixed rofi templates. @14rcole
    • Removed oomox support. No one was maintaining it. Use wpgtk
    • Added template for waybar. @surrealpie
    • Added template for speedcrunch . @lasers
    • Added template for xmonad. @sraysmith
    • Added template for dmenu. @Khoyo
    • Added environment variable PYWAL_CACHE_DIR to change cache dir.
    • Added rgba support to template files.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    3.3.0.tar.gz.asc(488 bytes)
  • 3.2.1(Oct 24, 2018)

  • 3.2.0(Oct 23, 2018)

    • alpha: fixed transparency issue in urxvt.
    • args: -c now exits.
    • args: show usage when no args passed.
    • args: added --palette to view current colors. @D-Vaillant
    • args: -o can now be repeated.
    • colors: simplified colorz.
    • general: added support for kitty terminal. @vxid
    • general: fix quiet mode with cached color-schemes.
    • general: fixed major macOS bug.
    • theme: removed broken theme file.
    • theme: fixed issues with putty. @tadly
    • reload: fixed reload bug.
    • reload: only restart programs if they're running.
    • sequences: removed vte hack.
    • sequences: cursor color is now changed in st.
    • wallpaper: added support for awesome wm. @vesiv
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.0(Jun 21, 2018)

    • Added --saturate to change color saturation.
      • Takes a float as its value: 0.0 to 1.0.
    • Added vim output file.
    • Fixed LS_COLORS issue.
    • Fixed issues in iTerm2 on macOS.
    • Fixed hang caused by imagemagick.
    • Fixed issue with -i and transparency.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.1(May 27, 2018)

    • Added Tempus themes.
    • Added LS_COLORS to colors.sh to fix color issues.
    • Compressed all theme files.
    • Don’t print directory of image used.
    • Fixed alpha value not persisting with wal -R.
    • Fixed vim-airline theme when used with light color-schemes.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.0(May 6, 2018)

    Pywal now has 250 included themes! If there are any other themes you'd like to see added. Open an issue.

    • Added all of @dkeg's themes.
    • Added all themes from terminal.sexy
    • Themes are now split between light and dark.
      • Local themes now need to be put into ~/.config/wal/colorschemes/{light,dark}.
    • Added unity wallpaper support.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.1.0(Apr 29, 2018)

    • Added all base16 themes to pywal. @metalelf0
    • Added --iterative to iterate over a directory in order (instead of random).
    • Fix minor theme issue in rofi. @esp10mm
    • Fix some conflicting arguments.
    • Fixed bug causing nested directory structure.
    • Fixed bug where the configuration directory wouldn't be created early enough.
    • Fixed missing color in st cache file. @jameh
    • Limit color palette width in output.
    • Removed -nocpp from xrdb call.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.5(Apr 5, 2018)

  • 2.0.4(Apr 3, 2018)

  • 2.0.3(Apr 2, 2018)

  • 2.0.2(Apr 2, 2018)

  • 2.0.1(Apr 1, 2018)

  • 2.0.0(Apr 1, 2018)

    This is a big release and I've probably broken something. Expect a minor release or two to fix any bugs that arise. ~~Users of wpgtk I recommend not updating pywal until @deviantfero adds support for the new release.~~ wpgtk is now supported.

    It's going to take me some time to update the documentation (I've got a total rewrite planned). Bear with me.


    • xrdb: Added missing background and foreground values.
    • image: Fixed crash when using light themes and gifs.
    • args: Added -t to disable pywal in ttys.
    • args: -R now works with theme files.
    • sequences: Save sequence file with -s. @Amar1729
    • misc: Added proper logging to pywal.
    • misc: Added palette to console output.
    • misc: Added colors/bold to console output.


    pywal now has support for different color generation backends. In addition to pywal's default color generation, support was added for:

    • schemer2: https://github.com/thefryscorer/schemer2
    • colorthief: https://github.com/fengsp/color-thief-py
    • colorz: https://github.com/metakirby5/colorz
    • haishoku: https://github.com/LanceGin/haishoku


    • wal --backend lists all available backends.
    • wal --backend colorz -i img.jpg sets the backend.
    • wal --backend random uses a backend at random.

    If you know of any other color generation programs let me know and I'll see if I can add backends for them.


    You can now store colorschemes in files and manage them using pywal. There are a bunch of colorschemes included with pywal and I will happily accept PRs to add more.

    • wal --theme lists all available built-in themes.
    • wal --theme theme-name applies a theme.
    • wal --theme random applies a theme at random.
    • Themes can be added locally at ~/.config/wal/colorschemes.
    • wal --theme can be used with colorschemes exported in json format from https://terminal.sexy/. wal --theme /path/to/file loads a scheme from a file.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.3(Mar 3, 2018)

    • rofi: Added colon to template.
    • tty.sh: Cleanup.
    • sequences: Fixed terminal highlight colors.
    • templates: Added octal color format. @MitchWeaver
    • macOS: Fixed error with .DS_Store files. @blahsd
    • macOS: Disabled travis (It's really broken)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.2(Feb 4, 2018)

  • 1.3.0(Feb 3, 2018)

    • Added light colorscheme support.
      • Use -l to generate a light scheme.
      • You can use wal -R -l (swap to light) and wal -R (swap to dark) to swap between light and dark.


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.3(Feb 1, 2018)

    • Fixed typo in help. @gillescastel
    • Scheme files are now versioned.
    • Changed rofi theme to use the new rasi format.
      • New instructions: https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal/wiki/Customization#rofi
    • Added light/dark themes for rofi.
    • Oomox is now off by default.
      • -g now enables oomox.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.2(Jan 9, 2018)

  • 1.2.1(Jan 8, 2018)

  • 1.2.0(Jan 8, 2018)

    Remember to use wal -c after every release.

    • Added support for oomox.
      • See: https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal/wiki/Customization#gtk2gtk3
    • Removed support for flatabulous-wal.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.2(Jan 7, 2018)

  • 1.1.1(Jan 6, 2018)

  • 1.1.0(Jan 3, 2018)


    • Added support for changing colors in linux ttys.
    • Fixed bug with transparency in urxvt.
    • Added imagemagick display as a wallpaper setter fallback.


    • Added missing export options.


    • Code cleanup.
    • Minor optimizations.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.4(Dec 31, 2017)

  • 1.0.3(Dec 31, 2017)

  • 1.0.2(Dec 29, 2017)

  • 1.0.1(Dec 29, 2017)

  • 1.0.0(Dec 27, 2017)

    [Installation] [Getting Started] [Customization] [Wiki]

    This release of pywal contains some large changes and may very well break things for some users. Expect bugs and expect additional releases to fix them. The version has been bumped to 1.0.0 as I'm now happy with where pywal is feature-wise.

    The goal for the future is improving the schemes that pywal generates. Feel free to send me your wallpapers that generate subpar schemes and I'll use them in my testing data.

    Removal of -r

    The flag -r was removed as it was basically a glorified cat of the sequences file with 300ms of python overhead. The new recommended way to load the schemes is to replace wal -r with cat ~/.cache/wal/sequences.

    Removal of -t

    Yup! The -t flag to fix garbage in VTE terminals (termite, xfce4-terminal, gnome-terminal) is no longer needed. I've come up with a workaround that really shouldn't work but does. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The problem: The sequence \033[708;#000000\007 is unsupported by VTE and VTE's sequence parsing doesn't hide unknown sequences, instead it just displays them as plain text. We can't add an if statement or a check for VTE terminals as we're writing to each terminal via it's file descriptor. The only thing that is interpreted is escape sequences.

    The workaround: The problem sequence is wrapped in a series of other escape sequences so that the unsupported sequence isn't echo'd to the terminal.

    How it works:

    # \0337                # Save cursor position.
    # \033[1000H           # Move the cursor off screen.
    # \033[8m              # Conceal text.
    # \033]708;#000000\007 # Garbage sequence.
    # \0338                # Restore cursor position.

    This took a lot of trial and error to make sure it works across all terminals and doesn't cause issues for underlying terminal programs.

    Added User Template Support

    You can now define your own custom pywal template files or you can overwrite the default template files. Any files stored in ~/.config/wal/templates will be processed and exported to ~/.cache/wal/ under the same name.

    The user template files follow the exact same syntax as the built-in templates. See the built-in templates for syntax examples: https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal/tree/master/pywal/templates

    For example: To define a custom rofi template file to set the background transparent.

    Save this file to ~/.config/wal/templates/colors-rofi.Xresources and re-run wal. Rofi will now use the colors defined below instead.

    #define BG #CC{background.strip}
    #define HI #CC{color1.strip}
    #define FG {color15}
    #define TX {color15}
    ! State:           bg, fg, bg2,  hlbg, hlfg
    rofi.color-normal: BG, FG, BG,   HI,   TX
    rofi.color-active: BG, FG, BG,   HI,   TX
    rofi.color-urgent: BG, HI, BG,   HI,   FG
    rofi.color-window: BG, BG, BG


    • Added template file for rofi.
    • Added template file for st.
    • Added template file for tabbed.
    • Added template file for dwm.


    • Added -s to disable changing terminal colors on the fly.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.7.5(Dec 19, 2017)

  • 0.7.4(Dec 19, 2017)

22, self taught, creator of @kisslinux
Png2Jpg tool will help you convert from png image format to jpg images format.

PNG 2 JPG All codes assume running from root directory. Please update the sys path at the beginning of the codes before running. Over View Png2Jpg too

Nguyễn Trường Lâu 2 Dec 27, 2021
Image histogram remapping

Hmap An image histogram remapping script written in Python 2.7 by Anthony Kesich and Ross Goodwin. Changes source image so that source image's histogr

Ross Goodwin 199 Nov 19, 2022
A script to generate a profile picture and a banner that show the same image on Discord.

Discord profile picture & banner generator A script to generate a profile picture and a banner that show the same image on Discord. Installation / Upd

Victor B. 9 Nov 27, 2022
An esoteric visual language that takes image files as input based on a multi-tape turing machine, designed for compatibility with C.

vizh An esoteric visual language that takes image files as input based on a multi-tape turing machine, designed for compatibility with C. Overview Her

Sy Brand 228 Dec 17, 2022
A Python package implementing various HDRI / Radiance image processing algorithms.

Colour - HDRI A Python package implementing various HDRI / Radiance image processing algorithms. It is open source and freely available under the New

colour-science 111 Dec 06, 2022
PyGram Instagram-like image filters.

PyGram Instagram-like image filters. Usage First, import the client: from filters import * Instanciate a filter and apply it: f = Nashville("image.jp

Ajay Kumar Nagaraj 102 Feb 21, 2022
Python-fu-cartoonify - GIMP plug-in to turn a photo into a cartoon.

python-fu-cartoonify GIMP plug-in to turn a photo into a cartoon. Preview Installation Copy python-fu-cartoonify.py into the plug-in folder listed und

Pascal Reitermann 6 Aug 05, 2022
Simple program to easily view Euler parameters in 3D.

Simple program to easily view Euler parameters in 3D.

5 Aug 20, 2021
Image Processing HighPass Filter With Python

Image_Processing_HighPassFilter High Pass Filter take the high frequency and ignore the low frequency High Pass Filter can be use to sharpening an ima

Felix Pratamasan 1 Dec 27, 2021
Script For Importing Image sequences into scrap mechanic via blueprints

To use dowload and extract "video makes.zip" Python has to be installed https://www.python.org/ (may not work on version lower than 3.9) Has to be run

2 Oct 30, 2021
A SIXEL encoder/decoder implementation derived from kmiya's sixel

libsixel What is this? This package provides encoder/decoder implementation for DEC SIXEL graphics, and some converter programs. (https://youtu.be/0Sa

Hayaki Saito 2k Jan 09, 2023
A Blender add-on to create interesting meshes using symmetry

Procedural Symmetries This Blender add-on automates the process of iteratively applying a set of reflection planes to a base mesh. The result will con

1 Dec 29, 2021
PyLibTiff - a wrapper to the libtiff library to Python using ctypes

PyLibTiff is a package that provides: a wrapper to the libtiff library to Python using ctypes. a pure Python module for reading and writing TIFF and L

Pearu Peterson 105 Dec 21, 2022
Panel Competition Image Generator

Panel Competition Image Generator This project was build by a member of the NFH community and is open for everyone who wants to try it. Relevant links

Juliano Mendieta 1 Oct 22, 2021
Kimimaro: Skeletonize Densely Labeled Images

Kimimaro: Skeletonize Densely Labeled Images # Produce SWC files from volumetric images. kimimaro forge labels.npy --progress # writes to ./kimimaro_o

92 Dec 17, 2022
A suite of useful tools based on 3D interactivity in napari

napari-threedee A suite of useful tools based on 3D interactivity in napari This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using @napari's cookiec

11 Dec 14, 2022
With this simple py script you will be able to get all the .png from a folder and generate a yml for Oraxen

Oraxen-item-to-yml With this simple py script you will be able to get all the .png from a folder and generate a yml for Oraxen How to use Install the

Akex 1 Dec 29, 2021
imgAnalyser - Un script pour obtenir la liste des pixels d'une image correspondant à plusieurs couleurs

imgAnalyser - Un script pour obtenir la liste des pixels d'une image correspondant à plusieurs couleurs Ce script à pour but, à partir d'une image, de

Théo Migeat 1 Nov 15, 2021
Sample data for the napari image viewer.

napari-demo-data Sample data for the napari image viewer. This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using @napari's cookiecutter-napari-plugi

Genevieve Buckley 1 Nov 08, 2021
A simple Streamlit Component to compare images in Streamlit apps. It integrates Knightlab's JuxtaposeJS

streamlit-image-juxtapose A simple Streamlit Component to compare images in Streamlit apps using Knightlab's JuxtaposeJS. The images are saved to the

Robin 30 Dec 31, 2022