Test for using pyIIIFpres for rara magnetica project



Test for using pyIIIFpres for rara magnetica project.

This test show how to use pyIIIFpres for creating mannifest compliant to IIIF presentation api 3.0.


pyIIIFpres can be installed using pip:

pip install git+https://github.com/giacomomarchioro/pyIIIFpres

Clone this repository using:

git clone https://github.com/giacomomarchioro/raramagnetica_pyIIIFpres.git

In the same folder of the python script must be present the imageurlist.txt ( an orded list of all the ulrs of the images) and the metadata_v4.csv file of the same version of the script.

To test the last version:

python generatemanifestv4.py
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