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Measuring if attention is explanation with ROAR


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NLP ROAR Interpretability

Official code for: Evaluating the Faithfulness of Importance Measures in NLP by Recursively Masking Allegedly Important Tokens and Retraining

Plot of ROAR and Recursive ROAR faithfulness curves


git clone
cd nlp-roar-interpretability
python -m pip install -e .



There are scripts for each dataset. Note that some tasks share a dataset. Use this list to identify how to train a model for each task.

  • SST: python experiments/
  • SNLI: python experiments/
  • IMDB: python experiments/
  • MIMIC (Diabetes): python experiments/ --subset diabetes
  • MIMIC (Anemia): python experiments/ --subset anemia
  • bABI-1: python experiments/ --task 1
  • bABI-2: python experiments/ --task 2
  • bABI-3: python experiments/ --task 3

In addition to the tasks, the synthetic experiment can created with python experiments/


Each of the above scripts stanford_sentiment, stanford_nli, imdb, mimic, and babi take the same set of CLI arguments. You can learn about each argument with --help. The most important arguments which will allow you to run the experiments presented in the paper are:

  • --importance-measure: this specifies which importance measure is used. It can be either random, mutual-information, attention , gradient, or integrated-gradient.
  • --seed: specifies the seed used to initialize the model.
  • --roar-strategy: should ROAR masking be done absoloute (count) or relative (quantile),
  • --k: the proportion of tokens in % to mask if --roar-strategy quantile is used. The number of tokens if --roar-strategy count is used.
  • --recursive: indicates that model to use for computing the importance measure has --k set to --k - --recursive-step-size instead of 0 as used in classic ROAR.
  • --model-type indicates which models to used. Can be either rnn for the BiLSTM-Attention model or roberta for the RoBERTa-base model.

Note, for --k > 0, the reference model must already be trained. For example, in the non-recursive case, this means that a model trained with --k 0 must already available.

Running on a HPC setup

For downloading dataset dependencies we provide a script.

Additionally, we provide script for submitting all jobs to a Slurm queue, in batch_jobs/. Note again, that the ROAR script assume there are checkpoints for the baseline --k 0 models.

The jobs automatically use $SCRATCH/nlproar as the presistent dir.


See for how to access MIMIC. You will need to download DIAGNOSES_ICD.csv.gz and NOTEEVENTS.csv.gz and place them in mimic/ relative to your presistent dir.


Measuring if attention is explanation with ROAR







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