Flow control is the order in which statements or blocks of code are executed at runtime based on a condition. Learn Conditional statements, Iterative statements, and Transfer statements


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Introduction 👋

The control flow statements are an essential part of the Python programming language.

A control flow statement is a block of programming that analyses variables and chooses a direction in which to go based on given parameters. In simple sentence, a control structure is just a decision that the computer makes. So, it is the basic decision-making process in programming and flow of control determines how a computer program will respond when given certain conditions and parameters. It determines the order in which the program’s code executes.

They are decision making statements that allow the program to take the decision as which statement should be executed next.

Decision Making statements are used when we want a set of instructions should be executed in one situation and different instructions should be executed in another situation .Decision making can be implemented in python using:

if statements

else statements

elif statements

for loops

while loops

break statement

control statement

pass statement

Table of contents 📋

No. Name
00 Python_Flow_Control_statement
01 Python_if_statement
02 Python_if_else_statement
03 Python_if_elif_else_statement
04 Python_Nested_if_statement
05 Python_for_Loop
06 Python_while_Loop
07 Python_break_continue_pass_statements

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  1. Go here and click the big green ➞ Code button in the top right of the page, then click ➞ Download ZIP.

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  2. Extract the ZIP and open it. Unfortunately I don't have any more specific instructions because how exactly this is done depends on which operating system you run.

  3. Launch ipython notebook from the folder which contains the notebooks. Open each one of them

    Kernel > Restart & Clear Output

This will clear all the outputs and now you can understand each statement and learn interactively.

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Authors ✍️

I'm Dr. Milaan Parmar and I have written this tutorial. If you think you can add/correct/edit and enhance this tutorial you are most welcome 🙏

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Licence 📜

You may use this tutorial freely at your own risk. See LICENSE.

Milaan Parmar / Милан пармар / _米兰 帕尔马
💼👨‍🏫 Researcher • Python | MATLAB | R • Build🤯 → Test🤞 → Debug✔️ “Change Is the Only Constant in Life" ➶
Milaan Parmar / Милан пармар / _米兰 帕尔马
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