Python Library to get fast extensive Dummy Data for testing



Python Library to get fast extensive Dummy Data for testing


pip install dumda



from dumda import cities

# get a single random city, either from the
# entire pool or from a specific country
print(cities.get_random_city("United States"))

# get a list of random cities, this can also be
# called with a given country (cities.get_random_cities(5, "Zimbabwe")


Somerset East
['Watsa', 'Westerstede', 'Porto-Novo', 'Dushanbe', 
'Hoeyang', 'Uozu', 'Riyadh', 'Lashio', 'Arendal', 
'Tlapa de Comonfort']


the meta is pretty much the same with names and cities, except a few additional operations

from dumda import names
# get a random name
# instead of specific countries, you can pass specific sex
# like, cities get a random list
b = names.get_random_names(15, "boy")
g = names.get_random_names(15, "girl")
the_class = b + g
print("class list: {}".format(the_class))

# additional query options
# generate a full name, for more accurate dummy data

# there is also a multiple version of the function, 
# and of course you can enter a sex
print(names.get_full_names(3, "girl"))

# I added this just because, but you can also 
# get a list of names based on letter
good_names = names.get_names_by_letter("o", 3)



class list: ['Lupe', 'Wilbert', 'Torrence', 'Shad', 'Kyson', 
'Keaton', 'Destin', 'Ridge', 'Jorden', 'Enzo', 'Reginal', 
'Aarav', 'Deontae', 'Reggie', 'Kameron', 'Anya', 'Therese', 
'Kaylee', 'Linette', 'Greta', 'Allie', 'Deanne', 'Coretta', 
'Nila', 'Jazlyn', 'Lolita', 'Cherry', 'Clare', 'Breanne', 'Cheri']

Davian Yung
['Glynda Zavala', 'Unknown Booth', 'Leigh Flood', 'Ben Dupree', 
'Adrien Zachary']
Kimberly Higgins
['Jocelyn Zelaya', 'Kalene Ross', 'Melba Tran']

['Oscar', 'Otis', 'Oliver']

Phone Numbers

In cases that you are making something like a phonebook or directory, you can also generate phone numbers (that follow U.S. formatting). You can optionally pass an area code if you want to generate phones for people from a specific area.

from dumda.phones import generate_number
# generate a random phone number based on US standard
# generate based on a given area code




Using this package's name class you can also generate random emails

from dumda.names import get_full_name
from dumda.emails import generate_email
# Pass a full name to generate an email
y = get_full_name()
x = generate_email(y)
z = get_full_name()
Armando Charles
[email protected]
Virgie Innocent
[email protected]

Person Object

Now if you were thinking of combining these for some objects in your program and wanted to keep it simple, I've got it covered.

from dumda import Person
person_one = Person()
# optionally pass sex and country of person
person_two = Person(country="United Kingdom", sex="girl")
{'full_name': 'Armando Charles', 'location': 'Fairhope', 'email': '[email protected]', 'phone': '763-859-7018'}
{'full_name': 'Kinsley Louis', 'location': 'Weybridge', 'email': '[email protected]', 'phone': '623-88-6788'}
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