Plone Interface contracts, plus basic features and utilities



This package is the base package of the CMS Plone <>. It contains only interface contracts and basic features and utilities. It was created to be able to maintain a clean dependency graph (PLIP 3395).

In details this package contains:

interfaces (package)
All zope.interface based contracts for the Plone core packages. In Plone 5 and below this was at Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.
i18nl10n (module)
Plone specific internationalization and localization helpers. In Plone 5 and below this was at Products.CMFPlone.i18nl10n.
batch (module)
Plone specific Batch based on plone.batching. In Plone 5 and below this was at Products.CMFPlone.PloneBatch.
defaultpage (module)
Plone specific handling of default pages with CMFDynamicViewFTI. In Plone 5 and below this was at Products.CMFPlone.defaultpage.
permissions (module)
CMFCore permissions declared public. In Plone 5 and below this was at Products.CMFPlone.permissions.
utils (module)
A subset of commonly used and low-dependency utilities. In Plone 5 and below those been at Products.CMFPlone.utils (but not all were moved).
PloneMessageFactory with plone i18n-domain and PloneLocalesMessageFactory with plonelocales domain. In Plone 5 and below this was at Products.CMFPlone.__init__.

Source Code

Contributors please read the document Process for Plone core's development

Sources are at the Plone code repository hosted at Github.

File issues at the Products.CMFPlone issue tracker hosted at Github.

Plone Foundation
Core of the enterprise CMS Plone and related projects. For add-ons visit:
Plone Foundation
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