A simple Python tool to transfer data from MySQL to SQLite 3.


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MySQL to SQLite3

A simple Python tool to transfer data from MySQL to SQLite 3.

This is the long overdue complimentary tool to my SQLite3 to MySQL. It transfers all data from a MySQL database to a SQLite3 database.

How to run

pip install mysql-to-sqlite3
mysql2sqlite --help


Usage: mysql2sqlite [OPTIONS]

  Transfer MySQL to SQLite using the provided CLI options.

  -f, --sqlite-file PATH          SQLite3 database file  [required]
  -d, --mysql-database TEXT       MySQL database name  [required]
  -u, --mysql-user TEXT           MySQL user  [required]
  -p, --prompt-mysql-password     Prompt for MySQL password
  --mysql-password TEXT           MySQL password
  -t, --mysql-tables TUPLE        Transfer only these specific tables (space
                                  separated table names). Implies --without-
                                  foreign-keys which inhibits the transfer of
                                  foreign keys.

  -L, --limit-rows INTEGER        Transfer only a limited number of rows from
                                  each table.

  -C, --collation [BINARY|NOCASE|RTRIM]
                                  Create datatypes of TEXT affinity using a
                                  specified collation sequence.  [default:

  -K, --prefix-indices            Prefix indices with their corresponding
                                  tables. This ensures that their names remain
                                  unique across the SQLite database.

  -X, --without-foreign-keys      Do not transfer foreign keys.
  -W, --without-data              Do not transfer table data, DDL only.
  -h, --mysql-host TEXT           MySQL host. Defaults to localhost.
  -P, --mysql-port INTEGER        MySQL port. Defaults to 3306.
  -S, --skip-ssl                  Disable MySQL connection encryption.
  -c, --chunk INTEGER             Chunk reading/writing SQL records
  -l, --log-file PATH             Log file
  --json-as-text                  Transfer JSON columns as TEXT.
  -V, --vacuum                    Use the VACUUM command to rebuild the SQLite
                                  database file, repacking it into a minimal
                                  amount of disk space

  --use-buffered-cursors          Use MySQLCursorBuffered for reading the
                                  MySQL database. This can be useful in
                                  situations where multiple queries, with
                                  small result sets, need to be combined or
                                  computed with each other.

  -q, --quiet                     Quiet. Display only errors.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
Klemen Tusar
Senior PHP Developer at CMC Markets
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