👁️ Tool for Data Extraction and Web Requests.


httpmapper 👁️

Languages Repository size License

Project   •    Technologies   •    Installation    •    How it works   •    License   

Project 🚧

For educational purposes.

This is a project that I developed, which is basically a Web crawler that navigate in the web, extracting source codes, links, cookies and more. I also did to learn more about requests and data-extraction.

Technologies 🛠️

This project was developed with the following technologies:

  • Python

Installation 🚀

# cloning repository
git clone https://github.com/vLeeH/httpmapper

# enter on folder 
cd httpmapper 

# update 
sudo apt update 

# running 
python install.py

How it works 🔧

# using
python install.py 


# website for this example: https://github.com 

   python install.py 

   Choice: 5
   Website: https://github.com 

   [+] Cookie Name = _octo - Cookie Value = GH1.1.413278149.1633841686
   [+] Cookie Name = logged_in - Cookie Value = no
   [+] Cookie Name = _gh_sess - Cookie Value = ejqBvu%2BSIjM68y7f8niePF8U%2FyrwbGVoKc8iW6FWLil8%2BtsOtGcYSaxw52b%2FhCg%2F275eqHG18jSe4wZ7TFzvlD5Xx6tqvddoSy%2BEdOUlooL7gEpchhK1W8i0Y%2Fg1ARBhrK3saX43%2FjlBEMJX45km%2BPHf39gxk1fO8fc6ytX%2Fp7uX2F1z3hMIep76ooxirYuFzSwBefa3EZU5fZq2OQoV2is8xjiInY72lDSxErMjPKKS6%2B1cjUp9NW7bS5G63%2B9AJCPMwjpdg15qa8aulJ%2FLZg%3D%3D--qTvdBCfTpQiV75Hr--liTEY8bhr%2B0QHWrLVyJZ8w%3D%3D
   [-] Cookie extracter finished!

Note: You need to identify which browser is being used for the header variable.

Contributing 🔨

How can I contribute to the project?

1. Create a fork from httpmapper repository.
2. git clone https://github.com/vLeeH/httpmapper.git
3. cd httpmapper/
4. Make your changes.
5. Commit and make a git push.
6. Open a pull request.

License 📝

This project is under the MIT License.

I'm a young student of Python and Programming.
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