A small faсade for the standard python mocker library to make it user-friendly



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Inspired by the pytest-mock, but written from scratch for using with unittest and convenient tool - patch_class


pip install unittest-mocker


General mocker

def test_create_client(self, mocker: Mocker):
    post_mock = mocker.patch('requests.post')
    post_mock.return_value.status_code = 200
    post_mock.return_value.json.return_value = {'msg': done}

or you can put the mocking logic in a separate method:

def mock_post(mocker, status):
    response = requests.Response()
    response.status_code = status
    response.headers = {'Location': '...'}
    response._content = 'some content'
    return mocker.patch('requests.post', return_value=response)

def test_upload_post_success(mocker):
    mocked_post = mock_post(mocker, 201)
def test_upload_post_error(mocker):
    mocked_post = mock_post(mocker, 500)


mocker.patch under the hood calls unittest.mock.patch So you can apply any arguments of the standard mock library

The same with mocker.patch.object. It has the same parameters asunittest.mock.patch.object

Method patch_class

Basic usage:

from unittest_mocker import activate_mocker, Mocker
from api import ApiClient

def test_api_client(self, mocker: Mocker):
    client_mock = mocker.patch_class('api.ApiClient')



# Variant 1
mocker.patch_class(target: str, methods=Optional[list[str]])
# Example:
mock = mocker.patch_class('some_module.SomeClass', methods=['method_1', 'method_2'])

# Variant 2
mocker.patch_class.object(target: Union[module, class], attribute: str, methods=Optional[list[str]])
# Example:
import some_module
mock = mocker.patch_class(some_module, 'SomeClass', methods=['method_1', 'method_2'])

All mocked methods are stored in mock.mocks dictionary and can be accessed:


patch_class always patches class's __init__ method.

Also, methods parameter also defaults to [__call__]. So that's correct:

mock = mocker.patch_class('some_module.SomeClass')

Helper assert_initialized_with

mock.assert_initialized_with() is just shortcut for mock.mocks['__init__'].assert_called_once_with()

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