Official implementation of "A Shared Representation for Photorealistic Driving Simulators" in PyTorch.


A Shared Representation for Photorealistic Driving Simulators

The official code for the paper: "A Shared Representation for Photorealistic Driving Simulators" , paper, arXiv

A Shared Representation for Photorealistic Driving Simulators
Saeed Saadatnejad, Siyuan Li, Taylor Mordan, Alexandre Alahi, 2021. A powerful simulator highly decreases the need for real-world tests when training and evaluating autonomous vehicles. Data-driven simulators flourished with the recent advancement of conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs), providing high-fidelity images. The main challenge is synthesizing photo-realistic images while following given constraints. In this work, we propose to improve the quality of generated images by rethinking the discriminator architecture. The focus is on the class of problems where images are generated given semantic inputs, such as scene segmentation maps or human body poses. We build on successful cGAN models to propose a new semantically-aware discriminator that better guides the generator. We aim to learn a shared latent representation that encodes enough information to jointly do semantic segmentation, content reconstruction, along with a coarse-to-fine grained adversarial reasoning. The achieved improvements are generic and simple enough to be applied to any architecture of conditional image synthesis. We demonstrate the strength of our method on the scene, building, and human synthesis tasks across three different datasets.


Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

  1. Clone this repo.
git clone
cd ./SemDisc


  1. Please install dependencies by
pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Preparation

  1. The cityscapes dataset can be downloaded from here: cityscapes

For the experiment, you will need to download [] and [] and unzip them.


After preparing all necessary environments and the dataset, activate your environment and start to train the network.

Training with the semantic-aware discriminator

The training is doen in two steps. First, the network is trained without only the adversarial head of D:

python --name spade_semdisc --dataset_mode cityscapes --netG spade --c2f_sem_rec --normalize_smaps \
--checkpoints_dir <checkpoints path> --dataroot <data path> \
--lambda_seg 1 --lambda_rec 1 --lambda_GAN 35 --lambda_feat 10 --lambda_vgg 10 --fine_grained_scale 0.05 \
--niter_decay 0 --niter 100 \
--aspect_ratio 1 --load_size 256 --crop_size 256 --batchSize 16 --gpu_ids 0

After the network is trained for some epochs, we finetune it with the complete D:

python --name spade_semdisc --dataset_mode cityscapes --netG spade --c2f_sem_rec --normalize_smaps \
--checkpoints_dir <checkpoints path> --dataroot <data path> \
--lambda_seg 1 --lambda_rec 1 --lambda_GAN 35 --lambda_feat 10 --lambda_vgg 10 --fine_grained_scale 0.05 \
--niter_decay 100 --niter 100 --continue_train --active_GSeg \
--aspect_ratio 1 --load_size 256 --crop_size 256 --batchSize 16 --gpu_ids 0

You can change netG to different options [spade, asapnets, pix2pixhd].

Training with original discriminator

The original model can be trained with the following command for comparison.

python --name spade_orig --dataset_mode cityscapes --netG spade \
--checkpoints_dir <checkpoints path> --dataroot <data path> \
--niter_decay 100 --niter 100 --aspect_ratio 1 --load_size 256 --crop_size 256 --batchSize 16 --gpu_ids 0

Similarly, you can change netG to different options [spade, asapnets, pix2pixhd].

For now, only training on GPU is supported. In case of lack of space, try decreasing the batch size.


Tests - image synthesis

After you have the trained networks, run the test as follows to get the synthesized images for both original and semdisc models

python --name $name --dataset_mode cityscapes \
--checkpoints_dir <checkpoints path> --dataroot <data path> --results_dir ./results/ \
--which_epoch latest --aspect_ratio 1 --load_size 256 --crop_size 256 \
--netG spade --how_many 496

Tests - FID

For reporting FID scores, we leveraged fid-pytorch. To compute the score between two sets:

python fid/pytorch-fid/ <GT_image path> <synthesized_image path> >> results/fid_$name.txt

Tests - segmentation

For reporting the segmentation scores, we used DRN. The pre-trained model (and some other details) can be found on this page. Follow the instructions on the DRN github page to setup Cityscapes.

You should have a main folder containing the drn/ folder (from github), the model .pth, the info.json, the val_images.txt and val_labels.txt, a 'labels' folder with the *_trainIds.png images, and a 'synthesized_image' folder with your *_leftImg8bit.png images.

The info.json is from the github, the val_images.txt and val_labels.txt can be obtained with the commands:

find labels/ -maxdepth 3 -name "*_trainIds.png" | sort > val_labels.txt
find synthesized_image/ -maxdepth 3 -name "*_leftImg8bit.png" | sort > val_images.txt

You also need to resize the label images to that size. You can do it with the convert command:

convert -sample 512X256\! "<Cityscapes val>/frankfurt/*_trainIds.png" -set filename:base "%[base]" "<path>/labels/%[filename:base].png"
convert -sample 512X256\! "<Cityscapes val>/lindau/*_trainIds.png" -set filename:base "%[base]" "<path>/labels/%[filename:base].png"
convert -sample 512X256\! "<Cityscapes val>/munster/*_trainIds.png" -set filename:base "%[base]" "<path>/labels/%[filename:base].png"

and the output of the models:

convert -sample 512X256\! "<Cityscapes test results path>/test_latest/images/synthesized_image/*.png" -set filename:base "%[base]" "synthesized_image/%[filename:base].png"

Then I run the model with:

cd drn/
python3 test -d ../ -c 19 --arch drn_d_105 --pretrained ../drn-d-105_ms_cityscapes.pth --phase val --batch-size 1 --ms >> ./results/seg_$name.txt


The base of the code is borrowed from SPADE. Please refer to SPADE to see the details.


  author={Saadatnejad, Saeed and Li, Siyuan and Mordan, Taylor and Alahi, Alexandre},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems}, 
  title={A Shared Representation for Photorealistic Driving Simulators}, 
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