DataShare - Simple library for data sharing between scripts and public functions calling

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DataShare - Simple library for data sharing between scripts and public functions calling.


Install code,
Delete LICENSE, README, readme.txt (optionaly),
Unpack datashare to "$PYTHON_PATH\lib",


Let's create "server and client".

from datashare import DataCenter

# Creating data center.
appdata = DataCenter(

from datashare import Get

data = Get('post') # "post" -
settings = data.get('appdata') # "appdata" - data center name


(1920, 1080, 'Name', '%Path', False)

So, how you can see, now we maked this data public, and every script can get it. Let's create "server and client", but with functions and simple app example.

from datashare import FunctionsCenter

funcs = FunctionsCenter(
  lambda: print('Welcome!'),
  lambda: print('Sorry!')

from datashare import FunctionsCaller

userinp = input('You are older that 18?: ').lower()
functions = FunctionsCaller('post')

functions.callif('funcs', userinp == 'yes', 1, False)
functions.callif('funcs', userinp == 'no', 2, False)

Run it.

You are older that 18?: Yes

You are older that 18?: no

Get version.

from datashare import DATASHARE_VERSION



So, how you can see, how strong and simple this library! When need to use this library? When you need create public data or function(s) for another scripts, it's like a database. This library in BETA, so you can spectate bugs, errors, or typing errors, sorry for that, we fix all soon!


Thank you for reading, i hope you liked my library, good luck, bye!

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