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Ontology Development Diary 03 - When debugging is in progress

2022-08-09 09:29:00 "Cancelled"

I am a chicken!Make do with it!How can it be!Next stage tomorrow!

Troubleshooting: https://blog.csdn.net/akihiiiii/article/details/108740154
Code: https://blog.csdn.net/javafreely/article/details/8432522
Reference book: https://max.book118.com/html/2017/0717/122715588.shtm

1.Eclipse (download and installation process skipped)
The picture shows my installation version!
insert image description here
Java and Jena are already installed!
2. Open Eclipse and create a Java project, as shown in the figure: Here I take screenshots of all the files that have been built!
insert image description here

Build Java programs refer to this!https://blog.csdn.net/u013819513/article/details/79903106 Build it according to this!There will be many mistakes!Refer to this https://blog.csdn.net/akihiiiii/article/details/108740154

for troubleshooting

Here is a summary of my troubleshooting log!
(1) According to the steps, after the new Java project is completed, delete the first java file in the original file. Of course, there is a problem with the Eclipse version. After my software is newly created, it will automatically generate a module javaDocumentation!I removed it!Below are the files in my final package!
Insert image description here
(2) You may need to put log4j under the jena path.properties is copied to the bin directory of the project jenaTest.
insert image description here
insert image description here

(3) Import the package in D:\apache-jena-4.2.0\apache-jena-4.2.0\lib, the package in lib-src Do not import!Secondly, import it into the Classpath, not the Modulepath above!
Insert image description here
(4) At this time, use CMD's SPARQLwhen!Can't use it anymore!
insert image description here
I don't really want to figure this out!Anyway, no need!
3. Enter the code to verify!

Code reference: (I copied and pasted all of them! However, pay attention to some problems when importing packages!) https://blog.csdn.net/javafreely/article/details/8432522

For example, for the first class Introduction in the above reference document, first create a new CLASS in the built package and name it Introduction.Then paste the code in the text!will report an error!Because the following files in the original text also exist in your files, but the path is wrong!

import com.span>hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.span>VCARD;

(1) Delete the redundant improt, then, place the mouse on the position marked by the red line in the code, then the corresponding import prompt will appear, select the one that contains jena, don't choose anything else!
All of my imports here, all selected are the prefix of org.apache.jena!(Should it be?? A jena should be right anyway!)
insert image description here
(2) Then, put the code in https://blog.csdn.net/javafreely/article/details/8432522 step by step, first create a new CLASS with the same name and then paste the code into it!Then import the corresponding correct package!Then run as can!

