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A Practical Guide to Building OWL Ontologies using Protege4 and CO-ODE Tools - Version 1.3 (7.4 Annotation Properties - Annotation Properties)

2022-08-09 09:29:00 "Cancelled"

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OWL allows classes, properties, entities and ontologies themselves (Technically - the ontology title) is annotated with various information/metadata.This information can take the form of auditing or redacted information.For example, comments, creation date, author, or references to resources such as web pages.
OWL-Full does not set any constraints on the use of annotation properties (original sentence: the uasge of annotation properties).However, OWL-DL does place some constraints on the use of annotation attributes.
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The two most important restrictions are:
1. Annotation attributes must be filled with data literal, URI reference or individual
2. Annotation attributes cannot be used in property axioms (property axioms) - e.g. they cannot be used in hierarchical properties, so they cannot have subproperties, or be subproperties of other properties.They also cannot have domains and ranges.
OWL has five predefined annotation properties that can be used to annotate classes (including anonymous classes such as restrictions), property properties, and individual individuals.
1) owl:versionInfo:range is usually a string.
2) rdfs is also a string.This attribute can be used to add meaningful, human-readable names to ontology elements such as classes, attributes, and individuals, and can also be used to provide multilingual names for ontology elements.
3) rdfs:comment: is also a string.
4) rdfs:seeAlso: has a series of URIs that can be used to identify related resources.
5) rdfs:isDefinedBy: has a series of URI references that can be used to refer to the ontology that defines the ontology elements, such as classes, attributes and individuals.
For example: comment can provide comments.rdfs:label can provide alternative names.
There are also several annotation properties that can be used to annotate the ontology.An ontology annotation attribute has a series of URIs used to refer to another ontology.
owl:VersionInfo: Comment on the ontology.
owl:priorVersion: Identifies the previous version of the ontology..
owl:backwardsCompatibleWith: Identifies previous versions of the ontology that are compatible with the current ontology.This means that all identifiers in previous versions have the same intended meaning in the current version.Therefore, any ontology or application referencing the previous version can safely switch to referencing the new version.
owl:incompatibleWith: Identifies a previous version of the ontology that is incompatible with the current ontology.
To create annotation properties, use the appropriate annotation properties view in the following tabs: Active Ontology | Classes | Obkect Property | Datatype Property.This can be done via the create Annotation Property button on the Annotations Properties tab.
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