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Crypto Gaming: The Future of Gaming

2022-08-10 12:32:00 Metafeng Yuanfeng

The lines between crypto HuoBi and video games are increasingly blurring, making way for a global push to earn-while-play (P2E) gaming.In the context of the decentralization movement, Web3 can stimulate a shift in gaming experience through real-world economics and player incentives.This shift could lead to dramatic changes in the traditional business model of the gaming industry.

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The Future of Gaming

Cryptocurrencies have attracted a lot of attention over the past few years.The use of advanced blockchain technology will revolutionize the entire industry.In addition to the fact that the market is attracting the attention of young and new investors, developers are also starting to develop games using blockchain technology.

Encryption and traditional games

Centralization is the main characteristic of traditional games.This means that valuable in-game assets (such as skins, characters, weapons and codes) used in one game cannot be used in another game.**Crypto games are the exact opposite, each participant has their own assets, resources and roles that can be used in conjunction with other games.**In-game rewards and purchases made by users can also be transferred to other games.In addition to the practical functions provided by blockchain technology, Web3 also has the value of game purpose as a means of payment.

In traditional centralized games, assets are only valuable when you play the game (so while they are yours, they only belong to you in the game).Even if you stop playing crypto games, in-game assets still have value, as your assets can still be traded/sold in exchange for Crypto HuoBi (eg, with or without the game, they are yours.)

With blockchain technology, crypto games give you complete ownership of in-game assets.Your in-game assets are non-fungible tokens (NFTs) minted and stored in your crypto wallet.Every NFT can be verified on the blockchain, proving your ownership of the digital asset.By physically keeping your assets (as opposed to assets belonging to the game), you have the right to collect and trade NFTs in the marketplace.

Crypto and Blockchain Games

Blockchain can be used to create entire games or just in-game currency.In the first case, every interaction in the game generates a block in the blockchain.In the second case, digital assets can be accessed using NFTs.Blockchain games are built from jumps as blocks on the blockchain.The entire system is decentralized.Blockchain games focus on how the game is made (highlighting the technology) rather than financial assets.The values ​​of decentralization, de facto ownership, and resistance to censorship will be elevated and the only options.Crypto games add layers of encryption to traditional game models - they use NFT assets to add value.Crypto games reward players with encrypted HuoBi or NFTs.Crypto games can still be centralized.

Top Crypto Games of 2022

If you want to try the blockchain gaming space, check out our list of the best P2E games of 2022:

  • Lucky Block — 2022's Overall Best Game in Crypto Games

  • Silks — an exciting P2E game with innovative gameplay

  • The Sandbox - one of the best games to win NFT games for creatives

  • Splinterlands — battle monsters for prizes and crypto tokens

  • PriateXPirate — an exciting new strategy game to win

  • Spells of Genesis — Puzzle Game Compatible with Multiple Blockchains

  • Star Atlas — a fully immersive space exploration metaverse

  • Decentraland — Buying and selling real estate as NFTs in the Metaverse

  • Axie Infinity - P2E game comparable to Pokemon

  • Alien Worlds — Play games for free in the sci-fi metaverse to earn game collections

All in Web3.0[metafeng_eth] Chain game/Dapp/NFT/digital collection SaaS e-commerce system development.
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