Autoscaling volumes for Kubernetes (with the help of Prometheus)


Kubernetes Volume Autoscaler (with Prometheus)

This repository contains a service that automatically increases the size of a Persistent Volume Claim in Kubernetes when its nearing full. Initially engineered based on AWS EKS, this should support any Kubernetes cluster or cloud provider which supports dynamically resizing storage volumes in Kubernetes.

Keeping your volumes at a minimal size can help reduce cost, but having to manually scale them up can be painful and a waste of time for an DevOps / Systems Administrator.



As mentioned above, you must have a storageclass which supports volume expansion, and the provisioner you're using must also support volume expansion. Ideally, "hot"-volume expansion so your services never have to restart. AWS EKS built-in provisioner supports this, and so does the CSI driver. To check/enable this...

# First, check if your storage class supports volume expansion...
$ kubectl get storageclasses
standard        Delete          Immediate              false                  10d

# If ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION is not set to true, patch it to enable this
kubectl patch storageclass standard -p '{"allowVolumeExpansion": true}'

NOTE: The above storageclass comes with EKS, however, it only supports gp2, which is largely a deprecated and much slower storage driver than gp3. I HIHGLY recommend before using EKS you install the AWS EBS CSI driver to gain gp3 support and more future-proof support of Amazon's various storage volumes and their lifecycles.

If you do this, you can/should completely remove GP2 support, and after installing the above CSI driver, create a storageclass with the new driver with best-practices in it by default including...

  • Retain-ing the volume if it was deleted (to prevent accidental data loss)
  • Having all disks encrypted-at-rest by default, for compliance/security
  • Using gp3 by default for faster disk bandwidth and IO
# For this, simply delete your old default StorageClass
kubectl delete storageclass standard
# Then apply/create a new default gp3 using the AWS EBS CSI driver you installed
kubectl apply -f

Installation with Helm

Now that your cluster has a StorageClass which supports expansion, you can install the Volume Autoscaler

# First, setup this repo for your helm
helm repo add devops-nirvana

# Example Install 1 - Using autodiscovery, must be in the same namespace as Prometheus
helm upgrade --install volume-autoscaler devops-nirvana/volume-autoscaler \

# Example 2 - Manually setting where Prometheus is
helm upgrade --install volume-autoscaler devops-nirvana/volume-autoscaler \
  --set "prometheus_url=http://prometheus-server.namespace.svc.cluster.local"

# Example 3 - Recommended usage, automatically detect Prometheus and use slack notifications
helm upgrade --install volume-autoscaler devops-nirvana/volume-autoscaler \
  --set "slack_webhook_url=" \
  --set "slack_channel=my-slack-channel-name"

Advanced helm usage...

# To update your local knowledge of remote repos, you may need to do this before upgrading...
helm repo update

# To view what changes it will make, if you change things, this requires the helm diff plugin -
helm diff upgrade volume-autoscaler --allow-unreleased devops-nirvana/volume-autoscaler \
  --namespace infrastructure \
  --set "slack_webhook_url=" \
  --set "slack_channel=my-slack-channel-name" \
  --set "prometheus_url=http://prometheus-server.infrastructure.svc.cluster.local"

# To remove the service, simply run...
helm uninstall volume-autoscaler

(Alternate) Installation with kubectl

./to_be_applied.yaml # #3: If you wish to have slack notifications, edit this to_be_applied.yaml and embed your webhook on the value: line for SLACK_WEBHOOK and set the SLACK_CHANNEL as well accordingly # #4: Finally, apply it... kubectl --namespace REPLACEME_WITH_PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE apply ./to_be_applied.yaml">
# This simple installation will work as long as you put this in the same namespace as Prometheus
# The default namespace of this yaml is hardcoded to is `infrastructure`.  If you'd like to change
# the namespace you can run the first few commands below...

kubectl --namespace infrastructure apply

# #1: Download the yaml...
# #1: Or download with curl
curl -o volume-autoscaler-1.0.1.yaml
# #2: Then replace the namespace in this, replacing
cat volume-autoscaler-1.0.1.yaml | sed 's/"infrastructure"/"PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE_HERE"/g' > ./to_be_applied.yaml
# #3: If you wish to have slack notifications, edit this to_be_applied.yaml and embed your webhook on the value: line for SLACK_WEBHOOK and set the SLACK_CHANNEL as well accordingly
# #4: Finally, apply it...
kubectl --namespace REPLACEME_WITH_PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE apply ./to_be_applied.yaml


To confirm the volume autoscaler is working properly this repo has an example which you can apply to your Kubernetes cluster which is an PVC and a pod which uses that PVC and fills the disk up constantly. To do this...

# Simply run this on your terminal
kubectl apply -f

Then if you'd like to follow-along, "follow" the logs of your volume autoscaler to watch it detect full disk and scale up.

Per-Volume Configuration / Annotations

This controller also supports tweaking your volume-autoscaler configuration per-PVC with annotations. The annotations supported are...

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: sample-volume-claim
    # This is when we want to scale up after the disk is this percentage (out of 100) full "80"   # 80 is the default value
    # This is how many intervals must go by above the scale-above-percent before triggering an autoscale action "5"  # 5 is this default value
    # This is how much to scale a disk up by, in percentage of the current size.
    #   Eg: If this is set to "10" and the disk is 100GB, it will scale to 110GB
    #   At larger disk sizes you may want to set this on your PVCs to like "5" or "10" "50"      # 50 (percent) is the default value
    # This is the smallest increment to scale up by.  This helps when the disks are very small, and helps hit the minimum increment value per-provider (this is 1GB on AWS) "1000000000"  # 1GB by default (in bytes)
    # This is the largest disk size ever allowed for this tool to scale up to.  This is set to 16TB by default, because that's the limit of AWS EBS "16000000000000"  # 16TB by default (in bytes)
    # How long (in seconds) we must wait before scaling this volume again.  For AWS EBS, this is 6 hours which is 21600 seconds but for good measure we add an extra 10 minutes to this, so 22200 "22200"  
    # If you want the autoscaler to completely ignore/skip this PVC, set this to "true" "false"  
    # Finally, Do not set this, and if you see this ignore this, this is how Volume Autoscaler keeps its "state" "123123123"  # This will be an Unix epoch timestamp
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi
  storageClassName: standard


This todo list is mostly for the Author(s), but any contributions are also welcome. Please submit an Issue for issues or requests, or an Pull Request if you added some code.

  • Make helm chart able to customize the prometheus label selector
  • Add scale up max increment
  • Make log have more full (simplified) data about disks (max size, usage, etc, for debugging purposes)
  • Add dry-run as top-level arg to easily adjust, add to examples on this README
  • Push to helm repo in a Github Action and push the static yaml as well
  • Add tests coverage to ensure the software works as intended moving forward
  • Do some load testing to see how well this software deals with scale (100+ PVs, 500+ PVs, etc)
  • Figure out what type of Memory/CPU is necessary for 500+ PVs, see above
  • Add verbosity levels for print statements, to be able to quiet things down in the logs
  • Generate kubernetes EVENTS (add to rbac) so everyone knows we are doing things, to be a good controller
  • Add badges to the README
  • Listen/watch to events of the PV/PVC to monitor and ensure the resizing happens, log and/or slack it accordingly
  • Test it and add working examples of using this on other cloud providers (Azure / Google Cloud)
  • Make per-PVC annotations to (re)direct Slack to different webhooks and/or different channel(s)
  • Discuss what the ideal "default" amount of time before scaling. Currently is 5 minutes (5, 60 minute intervals)
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  • Autoscaling size below current size and PVC size not human readable.

    Autoscaling size below current size and PVC size not human readable.

    Sometimes, the autoscaler tries to resize a PVC with a size below current size, raising an error.

    Volume is 85% in-use of the 80Gi available
      BECAUSE it is above 80% used
      ALERT has been for 1306 period(s) which needs to at least 5 period(s) to scale
      AND we need to scale it immediately, it has never been scaled previously
      RESIZING disk from 86G to 20G
      Exception raised while trying to scale up PVC to 20000000000 ...
    Reason: Unprocessable Entity
    HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Audit-Id': 'e69b53c3-d332-4925-b9ea-afa7570297a9', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, private', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Kubernetes-Pf-Flowschema-Uid': 'b64e47c9-2a4e-48ae-83bc-355685b6c007', 'X-Kubernetes-Pf-Prioritylevel-Uid': 'e5841496-62d0-426a-a987-4b26ec143a20', 'Date': 'Sat, 22 Oct 2022 16:58:07 GMT', 'Content-Length': '520'})
    HTTP response body: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"PersistentVolumeClaim \"data-nfs-server-provisioner-1637948923-0\" is invalid: Forbidden: field can not be less than previous value","reason":"Invalid","details":{"name":"data-nfs-server-provisioner-1637948923-0","kind":"PersistentVolumeClaim","causes":[{"reason":"FieldValueForbidden","message":"Forbidden: field can not be less than previous value","field":""}]},"code":422}
    FAILED requesting to scale up `` by `10%` from `86G` to `20G`, it was using more than `80%` disk space over the last `78360 seconds`

    I'm using the helm chart version 1.0.3 (same image tag)

    Another issue, the autoscaler was able to resize another PVC from 13Gi to 14173392076, this is not human readable as before. It's not a serious issue but it's still disturbing. The autoscaler also sent the alert to slack twice for this PVC with several hours interval.

    opened by GuillaumeOuint 9
  • Customer-reported issue: Is not detecting updated/resized max size

    Customer-reported issue: Is not detecting updated/resized max size

    There appears to be a bug in Prometheus Server which causes the kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes to not be updated properly in Prometheus after a resize. Note: May need to go file a bug against the metrics-server or Prometheus.

    After further investigation, it appears the prometheus metrics of kube_persistentvolume_capacity_bytes which is tied to the "PV" and not the "PVC" is fully updated, and we could (in theory) instead look there for the updated value but I believe this to be a bug which should be fixed in Prometheus.

    Screen Shot 2022-03-07 at 10 00 37 AM
    opened by AndrewFarley 3
  • Handling low max edge-case better, human-readable debug output

    Handling low max edge-case better, human-readable debug output


    • Updating various debug output to be human-readable, since bytes is just really, really long with a lot of zeroes, not ideal or reasonably human parsable
    • Catching an edge case where a user puts a max disk size of too small, and a disk can't scale up any more

    Closes #3 ( thanks for finding & reporting this @GuillaumeOuint )

    opened by AndrewFarley 0
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