Write Python in Urdu - اردو میں کوڈ لکھیں



Write simple Python in Urdu.

How to Use

  1. Write Urdu code in سامپل۔پے The mappings are as following:
    "۔":          ".",
    "،":          ",",
    "۱":          "1",
    "۲":          "2",
    "۳":          "3",
    "۴":          "4",
    "۵":          "5",
    "۶":          "6",
    "۷":          "7",
    "۸":          "8",
    "۹":          "9",
    "۰":          "0",
    "چھاپ":       "print",
    "ورنہ اگر":   "elif",
    "اگر":        "if",
    "ورنہ":       "else",
    "جبتک":       "while",
    "جو":         "for",
    "اندر":       "in", 
    "داخله":      "input",
    "توڑ":        "break",
    "جاری":       "continue",
    "گزر":        "pass",
    "حق":         "True",
    "باطل":       "False",
    "ہے":         "is",
    "طبقه":       "class",
    "وضح":        "def",
    "ابتدا":      "init",
    "خود":        "self",
    "واپس":       "return",
    "ستلی":       "string",
    "ستل":        "str",
    "شامل":       "append",
    "نکل":        "pop",
    "اور":        "and",
    "یا":         "or",    
    "سب":         "all",
    "کوئ":        "any",
    "ندارد":      "None",
  1. Translate and run the code in one command: python urdu_python.py


For macOS

Use TextEdit (default text editor) to write Urdu code. Activate right-to-left typing through Menu: Format->Text->Writing Direction->Right-to-Left

For Linux/Windows

Download and install Notepad++. Right click and activate RTL (Right-to-left).

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