Example of Telegram local API and aiogram 3.x


Telegram Local

Full example of Telegram local application.


Telegram Bot API

Local Telegram Bot API server based on aiogram Bot API Server image
There's no public ports and no domain names needed.
All connections are made within docker network.

Echo Bot

Telegram echo-bot based on aiogram 3.x
Bot receives updates from local Telegram Bot API via webhooks.
All requests are sending also to local Telegram Bot API.

Reverse Proxy

nginx reverse proxy is serving static files and API server


Copy examples/example.env to your .env file.
Fill all uncommented variables in .env files.
Uncomment and fill other variables if you want to use them.


Run docker-compose up -d to start.


Fill free to copy this project and edit it as you wish.


Fill free to send issues and pull requests.

Oleg A.
Oleg A.
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