While browsing the article I came across a narrative about itif-else语句的文章,这篇文章作者是Thai Tran,His original text was written in English,Then read the article and it's easy to understand,Try to translate it into Chinese.如有不妥还望指出.


If you learn a programming language,我们都会知道if...else...、for循环等基本语法.

作为一个初学者,We can learn and use it according to the book.

但是,If you want to become a senior programmer,It is necessary to constantly consider how to apply programming languages ​​more efficiently.

使用if...else...It's one of the programming fundamentals we learn in college,It is often used when you are just starting out with programming.但是,Many senior developers think soif...else...存在很多问题,And we also try to avoid over-reliance during developmentif...else....

This article is about beginners、中级、How advanced programmers deal with some similar problems in programming.

怎样在2022Years to discard like a proif-else来编写代码?

使用if-elseStatements are one of the foundations of how we study programming in college,It helps us start our first mission.有趣的是,Many senior developers hate itif-else语句.只要情况允许,It should be avoided in codeif-else.


How junior developers write code:

var input = "Dog";
var output = "";
if (input == "Dog")
output = "Bow Wow";
else if (input == "Cat")
output = "Meow Meow";
else if (input == "Chicken")
output = "Cluck Cluck";
else if (input == "Pig")
output = "Oink Oink";

这个例子中,The developer needs to output the sounds of different animals according to the input animals.这个问题可以使用If-ElseStatements easily repeat logic.

How an intermediate developer would write this code:

var input = "Dog";
var output = "";
switch (input)
case "Dog":
output = "Bow Wow";
case "Cat":
output = "Meow Meow";
case "Chicken":
output = "Cluck Cluck";
case "Pig":
output = "Oink Oink";

通过使用switch语句来代替if-elsestatement and get the same result,But this is still not the best solution.

How advanced developers write code:

var input = "Dog";
var map = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Dog", "Bow Wow" },
{ "Cat", "Meow Meow" },
{ "Chicken", "Cluck Cluck" },
{ "Pig", "Oink Oink" }
map.TryGetValue(input, out var output);

在这个例子中,Store the animal's name and animal sound in a dictionary as key-value pairs,并调用TryGetValue()method to get the output,Such code is more readable.

But things can get more complicated

例如,We need to use a comparison method instead of an exact match,Then take the appropriate action.If the input contains keywordsDog,Then use it to filter dog breeds.If the input contains keywordsCat,Then use it to filter cat breeds.

Available to junior developersIf-Elsestatement to solve this problem:

var input = "Dachshund Dog";
var dogBreeds = new[] { "Dachshund" };
var catBreeds = new[] { "British Shorthair" };
var result = Enumerable.Empty<string>();
if (input.Contains("Dog"))
result = dogBreeds.Where(b => input.Contains(b));
else if (input.Contains("Cat"))
result = catBreeds.Where(b => input.Contains(b));

Because he needs more conditions,He will continue to add in the codeIf-else语句.The code will become unusable and harder to read.When this code is handed over to a senior developer,Will be rewritten as follows:

var input = "Dachshund Dog";
var dogBreeds = new[] { "Dachshund" };
var catBreeds = new[] { "British Shorthair" };
var result = Enumerable.Empty<string>();
var eval = delegate (string key, string[] array)
if (!input.Contains(key))
return false;
result = array.Where(b => input.Contains(b));
return true;
var conditions = new[] {
() => eval("Dog", dogBreeds),
() => eval("Cat", catBreeds)
conditions.Any(c=> c());

By moving the action todelegate(这是一个关键字,After consulting many articles, I found that there is no particularly suitable Chinese translation),The same method can be reused under different conditions.将delegate存储在数组中,并使用LINQ Any()Calling these functions will give the same result.最好的部分是,Once one of the functions returns true condition,The comparison operation will exit,This will save performance.

If you are a junior developer,You should learn and use these professional skills.Next you will become a senior developer.


If the people maintaining your code still need to constantly tweak the code,Then he'll be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

The original sentence is:

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

我的理解是:If one maintains your code you need to constantly rewrite the code,Then the defender will become a violent psychopath,And he may be violent to you.

That is to say, try to write as efficient as possible,Reusable,Clean and concise code,Reduce stress for subsequent maintainers.

This article is not about total rejectionif-else语句,Rather, it is to be avoided as much as possibleif-elseThe verbosity and unmaintainability brought by the statement.如果借助if-elseCan make the statement more efficient,Of course it's still in use.In general, try to make the code as reusable as possible、可维护性,Make it concise and efficient,It's not just yourself that helps,It will also make it easier, faster and more efficient for team members or other users.



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