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High-paid programmers & interview questions series 135 How do you understand distributed?Do you know CAP theory?

2022-08-10 14:24:00 One One Brother Sun

I. Interview questions and analysis

1. Today's interview questions

How do you understand distributed?

How do you understand microservices?

What distribution theories do you know?

Are you familiar with CAP theory?

Do you know the BASE theory?

How to ensure distributed consistency?

2. Topic Analysis

One BrotherIn the previous article, I have introduced the many components of SpringCloud microservices and their underlying principles.So much content.But interviewers often ask distributed and microservices together, for example, they often examine our grasp of distributed theory, distributed consistency, etc.Brother Yi was asked by the interviewer many times when he went to the interview, "How do you understand distributed?", "How do you ensure distributed consistency?", "Do you know CAP??"...


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