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Loudi Center for Disease Control and Prevention Laboratory Design Concept Description

2022-08-10 13:07:00 Design and construction of SIGLAB

LoudiCDC Laboratory Design Notes?SICOLAB editor will chat with you about laboratory construction knowledge.

I.CDC Laboratory Design Concept

1. Confirm the protective effect of physical controls in the laboratory on product, environment and operators;

2. Determine the clean area, non-clean area, polluted area and semi-contaminated area, as well as the function and purpose of the associated auxiliary area;

3. Determine the operation area that needs to be closed or not;

4. Determine the purification control method of the primary barrier and the secondary barrier;

5. Tests and tests should be separated reasonably;

6. HVAC, vacuum, compressed air, water supply system, disinfection and sterilization must comply with GMP requirements;

7. Determine the airflow direction and flow rate in different areas;

8. Determine the flow of raw materials, equipment, products and biological waste;

II.CDC LaboratoriesConstruction:General Requirements

1.Reasonable location and clear functional divisions

The site should be far away from residential areas and public building complexes, and should be on the downwind side of the city's bustling areas.

2. Layout division

Lab areas should be separated from office areas.

Labs with strong toxicity and high infectivity should be isolated from ordinary laboratory areas and become relatively independent or independent areas.

3.People, logistics, sewage, airStream Organization Principles

People flow from public area→office area→dressing room→general laboratory area→low toxicity laboratory area→highly infectious laboratory area,controlled area.

Logistics from the sample collection area→lab auxiliary area→normal laboratory area→low toxicity laboratory area→highly infectious laboratory area, the controlled area.

The flow of waste is routed from highly infectious laboratory areas, controlled areas, or low-toxicity laboratory areas → waste passages → waste stairs orElevator, sanitized and packed.

Air flow from clean area → semi-contaminated area → polluted area, controlled area, negative pressure.

From the area with high cleanliness level → the area with low cleanliness level → the non-clean area area, positive pressure.


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