Various converters to convert value sets from CSV to JSON, etc.


ValueSet Converters

Tools for converting value sets in different formats. Such as converting extensional value sets in CSV format to JSON format able to be uploaded to a FHIR server.

Set up / installation

  1. You must have Python3 installed.
  2. Run to clone repo: git clone
  3. Change directory: cd ValueSet-Converters
  4. Make & use virtual environment: virtualenv env; source env/bin/activate
  5. Run to install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. To use the "VSAC to OMOP/FHIR JSON" tool, which fetches from Google Sheets, you'll need the following:
    3.a. Access to this google sheet.
    3.b. Place credentials.json and token.json inside the env/ directory. These can be obtained from Joe (will upload them to a Google Drive folder later).
  7. Create an env/.env file based on env/.env.example, replacing VSAC_API_KEY with your own VSAC API key as shown in your profile. More instructions on getting an API key can be found in "Step 1" on this page.


First, cd into the directory where this repository was cloned.


First, convert your CSV to have column names like the example below. Then can run these commands.


python3 -m value_set_csv_to_fhir_json path/to/FILE.csv


python3 -m value_set_csv_to_fhir_json examples/1/input/n3cLikeExtensionalValueSetExample.csv

1,bear family,A family of bears.,draft,,2.36,1234,mama bear
1,bear family,A family of bears.,draft,,2.36,1235,papa bear
1,bear family,A family of bears.,draft,,2.36,1236,baby bear



A family of bears.

" }, "name": "bear family", "title": "bear family", "status": "draft", "description": "A family of bears.", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "", "version": 2.36, "concept": [ { "code": 1234, "display": "mama bear" }, { "code": 1235, "display": "papa bear" }, { "code": 1236, "display": "baby bear" } ] } ] } }">
    "resourceType": "ValueSet",
    "id": 1,
    "meta": {
        "profile": [
    "text": {
        "status": "generated",
        "div": "

A family of bears.

}, "name": "bear family", "title": "bear family", "status": "draft", "description": "A family of bears.", "compose": { "include": [ { "system": "", "version": 2.36, "concept": [ { "code": 1234, "display": "mama bear" }, { "code": 1235, "display": "papa bear" }, { "code": 1236, "display": "baby bear" } ] } ] } }


This will fetch from the following google sheet:


  • With default options: python3 -m value_set_vsac_to_json
  • Choosing an output format: python3 -m value_set_vsac_to_json -f omop


Short flag Long flag Options Default Description
-f --format ['omop', 'fhir'] 'omop' Output format.
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