Implementation of paper Does syntax matter? A strong baseline for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with RoBERTa.



This repo contains the code for NAACL 2021 paper titled Does syntax matter? A strong baseline for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with RoBERTa.

For any questions about the implementation, feel free to create an issue or email me via [email protected].


  1. Fine-tuning the model on ABSA datasets using the code form finetune folder, which will save the fine-tuned models.
  2. Generate the induced trees using the code form Perturbed-Masking folder, which will output the input datasets for different models.
  3. Run the code in ASGCN, PWCN and RGAT.


We made neccessary changes based on the original code. We believe all the changes are under the MIT License permission. And we opensource all the changes we have made.

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