DeeBERT: Dynamic Early Exiting for Accelerating BERT Inference



This is the code base for the paper DeeBERT: Dynamic Early Exiting for Accelerating BERT Inference.

Code in this repository is also available in the Huggingface Transformer repo (with minor modification for version compatibility). Check this page for models that we have trained in advance (the latest version of Huggingface Transformers Library is needed).


This repo is tested on Python 3.7.5, PyTorch 1.3.1, and Cuda 10.1. Using a virtulaenv or conda environemnt is recommended, for example:

conda install pytorch==1.3.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch

After installing the required environment, clone this repo, and install the following requirements:

git clone
cd deebert
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
pip install -r ./examples/requirements.txt


There are four scripts in the scripts folder, which can be run from the repo root, e.g., scripts/

In each script, there are several things to modify before running:

  • path to the GLUE dataset. Check this for more details.
  • path for saving fine-tuned models. Default: ./saved_models.
  • path for saving evaluation results. Default: ./plotting. Results are printed to stdout and also saved to npy files in this directory to facilitate plotting figures and further analyses.
  • model_type (bert or roberta)
  • model_size (base or large)
  • dataset (SST-2, MRPC, RTE, QNLI, QQP, or MNLI)

This is for fine-tuning and evaluating models as in the original BERT paper.

This is for fine-tuning DeeBERT models.

This is for evaluating each exit layer for fine-tuned DeeBERT models.

This is for evaluating fine-tuned DeeBERT models, given a number of different early exit entropy thresholds.


Please cite our paper if you find the repository useful:

    title = "{D}ee{BERT}: Dynamic Early Exiting for Accelerating {BERT} Inference",
    author = "Xin, Ji  and
      Tang, Raphael  and
      Lee, Jaejun  and
      Yu, Yaoliang  and
      Lin, Jimmy",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
    month = jul,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "2246--2251",
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