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How to quickly grasp industry opportunities and introduce new ones more efficiently is an important proposition

2022-08-10 23:40:00 Data Plus Cloud Alliance_Xiaogao

​Background: China is the world's largest apparel consumer and largest apparel producer, but its overall development is still very uneven.The competition among enterprises is still in price and style competition, and most of the clothing sales are still in the form of wholesale market circulation.Low product premium capability, low quality control capability, unguaranteed quality, and poor service.The structural chain of brand merchants is still in the design management mode, the research and development cycle is long, and the resource allocation is not fast enough.

Since the reform and opening up in the early 1980s, China's textile industry has developed rapidly. As a labor-intensive industry, the growth rate has attracted worldwide attention.After years of development, my country's apparel industry has formed a complete industrial chain that runs through design, production and sales.Comparatively speaking, the advantages of my country's clothing industry chain are more reflected in the production and processing links, while the design and development links with higher added value are far behind the international advanced level.

In the production and processing links, OEM (OEM) is the main business model of my country's clothing industry in the early stage of development.With the maturity of the processing and manufacturing technology of my country's clothing enterprises and the continuous improvement of domestic consumers' requirements for the quality and taste of clothing products, the clothing industry has entered an era of personalized, diversified and fashionable consumption, and has gradually shifted to design and production (ODM) and brand production. (OBM) shift.

In the sales link, my country's clothing industry can be divided into three development stages: the first stage, the clothing wholesale stage.In the early stage of the development of my country's clothing industry, the competition pattern has not yet been formed, and the overall supply is less than the demand. Therefore, production expansion and wholesale sales have become the core driving force for the development of the industry; the second stage is the offline retail stage of clothing.With the growth of my country's clothing industry and the upgrading of clothing consumption, many excellent brands have emerged.Many brand clothing enterprises have opened exclusive stores and shopping malls in first-tier cities, provincial capitals and key cities, occupying a relatively stable market.In this period, the competition in the apparel industry is mainly manifested in the competition of channel resources, and the expansion of offline retail channels has become the core driving force for the development of the industry; the third stage is the apparel e-commerce stage.The emergence of e-commerce has largely changed the sales format of the clothing industry, making it unsustainable to rely on the expansion of offline stores to support performance growth, prompting the accelerated pace of upgrading and transformation of clothing companies.E-commerce not only brings the integration of channels to clothing enterprises, but also brings about the enhancement of brand influence.Through online channels, apparel companies can not only effectively reduce operating costs, but also help consumers to deeply participate in brand interaction, realize communication between consumers and brands, and achieve product purchase behavior.

Consumption upgrades make clothing branded, personalized and multi-channel.With the gradual maturity of modern aesthetics and the increasing emphasis on the quality of life, people's requirements for clothing are not limited to the basic functions of keeping warm and sheltering from the cold, but further require that clothing can reflect one's life taste and status, and can be used in differentAppropriately express your temperament for the occasion.

Consumer demands are complex and changeable, and market competition is fierce.The diversification of styles and styles enables them to have different market segments. Different types of brands and enterprises conduct business on the basis of their respective market segments and consumer groups, and jointly promote the rolling development of the clothing industry.From the launch of a single product to the rapid explosion, the new timeline of new clothing products is very important.Especially for fast fashion brands, the life cycle of new products (‘sofastsoft.com’) is only one month or less, and they can only be “cleared” after the promotion ends.This means that for new products to break through, it is even more necessary to shorten the period of explosion and incubation in the middle.

Clothing category is not a standard product, it is more likely to generate inventory, and it is challenging for merchants to update.Brands need to constantly refine the supply chain quick response, team development and management capabilities under multiple SKUs, and on this basis, they must also achieve their own business goals.At present, more apparel brands are still going through the freezing point and labor pain period of the industry. Regardless of online and offline channels, their performance is not strong.

Therefore, how to quickly grasp industry opportunities, introduce new products more efficiently, and improve the effectiveness of innovation and product operation has become an important proposition for clothing and apparel industry brands to solve in long-term operation.


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