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Guidelines for Sending Overseas Mail (2)

2022-08-10 12:56:00 InfoQ

近年来,More and more Chinese enterprises begin to go abroad,进入国际市场.In the digital era of go hand in hand,企业对客户、The user's touch and marketing communication is inseparable from the news,Especially for business and digital more mature overseas markets.
China's Internet communication between enterprises and users,主要有 APP 推送、短信、微信、公众号、微博、Telephone and email etc.其中,Email as mature traditional way of communication,In China's development has become increasingly stable,Especially after the mobile Internet era.


Well-designed email helps build trust between enterprises and the recipient,Can effectively improve the recipient participation.但是,业界公认的,使用 HTML Design write E-mail is a painful and troublesome thing.This is mainly due to global,Large and small email service providers did not keep up with the pace of The Times,E-mail makes rendering rules and the latest HTML 规则不兼容.
使用最新的 HTML Write email,Can't in all inbox service、浏览器、The client and equipment load correctly,There are too many grammar compatibility to consider,Bring so much trouble to design work.

The recipient's scene

Because email code compatibility problem,Make the enterprise needs to know,The recipient is how to check E-mail.使用什么设备,什么客户端,什么操作系统.根据 Litmus 的统计,2022年3In the three most popular email client is Apple、Gmail 和 Outlook.

And the recipient read email when one of the most common environment,To use the web browser of the recipient or account for larger proportion(Apple system becauseApple MPPPrivacy issues cannot be traced to specific environment).

Know the addressee widely used equipment、The client distribution,Can be targeted to the equipment and the client to do email rendering test and optimize.


Email production specification

  • 使用 Table 布局
     In the design of mail,要避免使用div标签,而改用table标签.Because most of the mail client todivLabel the compatibility is bad,因此使用tableLabel is to ensure that the email correctly in all kinds of email client to show the best way to.
  • 宽度设置为600px
     The width can adapt to all ESP 的屏幕大小.比如一些 Webmail Left is to display the mailing list,Only in the screen on the right email,So the actual space will be much smaller.600像素,Is the most secure platform across E-mail size.
  • The pictures in email
     In order to avoid the mail file is too big,Try to use outside chain pictures in email,使用img标签,记得要加上title、alt 属性哦.另外,Some email clients will take the initiative to intercept the images in the unsolicited email(见下图),So to avoid relying on the overall structure of the picture to design the mail.原则:Even if the picture does not show,The main content of the recipient can see mail.

  • 使用内联 CSS
     Some email services(Gmail、Yahoo等)External style sheet is regarded as a potential security threats and will stop it,And some of the services in the chamber of commerce to replace their system default label and style,So avoid using external style sheet,使用styleAttribute to write an inlineCSS.
  • 字体
     Using the standard system font,Avoid using a custom font.建议使用font-family,font-sizeSuch as independent property field,Because some client does not supportfont简写.
  • No JavaScript 
    简单的说,E-mail does not support script,Is the client direct filtration.所以,只用HTML和 CSS,避免麻烦.
  • No Flash
     Should avoid to use in emailFlash,There are other video elements:QuickTime,Windows Media、Java Applet、MPEG和HTML5 Video Streaming等,This doesn't work in an email.动画GIF 可以使用,But some service chamber of commerce only display the first frame of the animation(做好测试).

在电子邮件中“插入视频”的推荐方法,Generate video thumbnails or capture player screen shot of the(Must be a play button that),Chain outside the picture the video on the site.嗯......是的,推荐这样.

  • 使用媒体查询
     Media queries can be according to the recipient device screen width decides the style of email,Help enterprises to mobile devices to create responsive E-mail.Winky editor can let the customer independently Settings,Whether you need a row adaptive mobile end,And provide the email preview effect.(见下图)

  • Dark Mode
     The overseas market of the recipient to use Dark Mode The proportion of very much,根据 Litmus 的统计,Open the E-mail,有 27.3% Is the percentage of in Dark Mode 下发生的.所以,在 Dark Mode 下,Email is still look very good,这个是需要关注的.

  • 邮件标题
     The title to refine,3-7A word is more appropriate.有研究表明:Email title more than15个字符之后,每多一个字符,The recipient's engagement will decline0.03%.另外,Can try in the mail subject in theemoji或者hashtag,The effect of an unexpected oh.
  • ......

还有很多的细节,Are in the mail to consider when making.With his lonely feeling,As direct use third-party mail tools.Auroras flashing da(SendCloud) Provide drag-and-drop email tools winky editor,免费使用.Help you easily get mail in making all kinds of complicated specification,动动鼠标,A beautiful E-mail is done.Winky editor also provides email template market,A second direct to paraphrase,非常方便.


Formal sending test before sending is very necessary.网站或者 APP Can be released to correct mistakes,But sent E-mail to withdraw,So must be sure to remember the test.一般的,Test need to pay attention to the following points:

  • type check:
    检查语法、Copywriting spelling mistakes such as;
  • spam check:
    Could be sentenced to the element as spam check,Here include a domain name three big authentication,In the title or the body may cause was given as spam words,Whether there is any suspicious links in the mail content;
  • display check:
    Test email in different platform、The effect of different client present.前文讲过,Different service providers to render mail rules,Mail may arise in different client show strange difference.
In every email task before,There are controlled step to do check,Work is really a headache.所以,There will be some third party platform for email test provides convenient,比如 Litmus,Email on Acid等.Auroras flashing da(SendCloud) Provide drag-and-drop email tools winky editor,Also includes email test function,特别是跨平台、Across the email client“Inbox preview”功能,Enterprises only need to select to test platform and the client,You can quickly see to E-mail the real snapshot into boxes.

七、The recipient list management

In the Chinese market to do marketing activities,The final destination is WeChat qr code;而在海外市场,E-mail is a common way of collecting.

Companies collect E-mail for mail delivery rate plays an important role in.At the time of collecting,存在着 
single opt in 
double opt in

SOI(single opt in):
A single choice only need to enter a user in the box their email address.无需确认,They immediately become a subscriber.

DOI(double opt in):
Dual choice involves two steps,Users to enter email address in the box,之后,They will receive a confirmation email,They must open the mail,Confirm that they want to subscribe to,And then to become a subscriber,Be added to the list of recipients.
两者的区别在于,A single choice to join don't need to make sure that,Double opt-in requires confirmation.有统计数据,只有 80% The user will be completedDOI的第二步确认.如果选择“双重选择”,Will all be lost 20% 的用户,That what is the meaning of this?

“People may be wrongly enter email address.”
“Even if they enter the correct email,They don't often use this email,Because their only purpose is on the thank you page download freebies.”
“选择SOIUsers are more likely to receive mail marked as spam”

虽然,使用DOIRecipient list in the enterprises growth speed will slow down a little,But wrong spelling、Inactive email、Unsubscribe rate and spam indicators will be lower than,The recipient of goods、Subscribe to the will of the stronger,“质量”会更高,In the long run to see,DOIIs an emphasis on the selection of quality.

根据 Litmus A global poll,53.5% Email marketers prefer to useSOI加入,46.5% 使用DOI加入.所以,There is no right or wrong choice,Radio and double choose has its advantages,See stage and emphasis of enterprises when doing email marketing,And send the actual index.

Auroras flashing da(SendCloud) 为企业提供了5Email subscription ways,支持设置SOI或DOI,Enterprises only need to fill in relevant information,将JS The code into the web site or APP,Can realize the function of email subscriptions to collect.

Unsubscribe link

Many want to unsubscribe the recipient,Because he can't find the unsubscribe link,Finally only is marked as spam mail.所以,Remember to mail unsubscribe link into the very prominent position.A recipient unsubscribe VS A spam,The former almost no impact on the sender reputation,But the latter will have a negative impact.

需要注意的是,In addition to the head for email、The tail on visible outside the unsubscribe link,Need in the email header fields to join 

List-Unsubscribe X-Header
 最初由 RFC 2369 提出,Can email header fields in the format for WEB URL 或 Mailto The two types of unsubscribe,Suggestion is that using these two methods at the same time.

List-Unsubscribe: <https://sendcloud.net/list?cmd=unsub>&nbsp;
<mailto:[email protected]?subject=unsubscribe>

八、Privacy and compliance of the overseas market

In recent years, the global consumer data leak to grow,Forcing many countries enacted stricter personal data protection laws and regulations.This brings to the road of the Chinese enterprises' overseas operations for compliance and legal challenges.
See from the reintroduction of regulations,Regulations continuously to the recipient to provide more data control and protection of,Further constrain the way businesses use data.例如,If the enterprise wants to send the eu recipient email,Companies to ensure he send behavior conform to GDPR.
CAN-SPAM&nbsp;2003年,美国国会通过了《the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003》,即 CAN-SPAM 法案.CAN-SPAM By limiting commercial electronic mail way to send and provide the recipient with privacy and protection of,Reduce the influx of unsolicited E-mail.CAN-SPAM Bill is still valid today.
根据该法案,All companies will email used for commercial purposes must comply with the following7个要素:
  • Do not use misleading or false information in the email title
  • Don't use deceptive language in the email title
  • Clear and noticeably identification of advertising information itself
  • Inform the recipient of your business
  • Tell the recipient how to select unsubscribe future email
  • Respect the unsubscribe request and immediately deal with
  • Know the third party or others on behalf of your company is doing

CAN-SPAM&nbsp;At the heart of the act is to avoid cheating the recipient,To the recipient to clearly communicate the purpose of the email,And to ensure respect for the recipient's preferences.If the enterprise to send commercial electronic mail,Must always comply with CAN-SPAM 法案.
GDPR&nbsp;《通用数据保护条例》Is in the past decade is one of the most popular topic related to email.If the enterprise within the scope of the eu or for eu citizens to send E-mail,In send specification should be GDPR 放在首位.GDPR Illustrates the personal data related to7项原则:
  • 合法、公平、透明
  • 目的限制
  • 数据最小化
  • 准确性
  • 存储限制
  • 完整性和保密性(安全性)
  • 问责制

GDPR 核心的问题:“Must be explicitly asks the user,Whether to allow to collect their data”(这里的数据是指 PII 数据).那么,Companies gather your email,Asks the user needs to clear,And get the permission.Enterprises have to record the process of,这一步非常重要.

PII(Personal Identifier Information). Personal data is any information relating to an individual, whether it relates to his or her private, professional or public life. It can be anything from a name, a home address, a photo, an email address, bank details, posts on social networking websites, medical information, or a computer’s IP address.

&nbsp;是一个2004In neutral organization,全名是:Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG),Is the industry work together to fight a robot、恶意软件、垃圾邮件、病毒、DoS Attack the largest industry association and other online attacks,在全球拥有200多名成员.The group will often update some best practice,Provide advice and background information for the industry,In order to improve the messaging security and protect user,To guide the mail、SMS message send specification and strategies such as.


With the development of many Chinese companies out of business,Can see a lot of enterprises begin to meet the needs of users in overseas markets,Actively explore their own mailing channel.Auroras flashing da(SendCloud),As a focus in the vertical industry team email,Will be on standby,Help companies achieve the goal of E-mail.

About auroras flashing da(SendCloud):
SendCloud Is by the flash of wuhan science and technology co., LTD., research and development operations,To provide mail、Text messaging servicesSaaS 平台.平台自2013年上线以来,A few tens of thousands of enterprise customers to provide a stable、高效、Secure E-mail、Text messaging services, and accurate and timely send data report.2022年3月9日,The aurora formally completed successfully to flash of wuhan science and technology co., LTD(SendCloud)Buy a majority stake in,自此SendCloudOfficially became the aurora's brands.

极光(Aurora Mobile,纳斯达克股票代码:JG)成立于2011年,是中国领先的客户互动和营销科技服务商.成立之初,极光专注于为企业提供稳定高效的消息推送服务,凭借先发优势,已经成长为市场份额遥遥领先的移动消息推送服务商.随着企业对客户触达和营销增长需求的不断加强,极光前瞻性地推出了消息云和营销云等解决方案,帮助企业实现多渠道的客户触达和互动需求,以及人工智能和大数据驱动的营销科技应用,助力企业数字化转型.

