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Esxi encapsulated network card driver

2022-04-23 16:18:00 Rokas. Yang

about ESXi vmkernel Unsupported network card , You need to manually encapsulate the network card driver to ESXi Mirror image , Install again ESXi.

1. Prepare the environment

With ESXi7.0U3d For example , encapsulation intel Of i219 And i225 The driver needs two files :

  • ESXi Of Offline Bundle edition , Download link ( You need to register your account and log in )

2.powershell Install the necessary components

Prepare one win10 The above system , Open as Administrator powershell.

Type the following command to install VMware Command line module :

Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI

It is expected that problems such as truststore will be prompted , type Y that will do .

Be careful :!!! Don't interrupt , It's a very slow step ,10-20 Different minutes , Agent or scientific Internet access can slightly improve the speed .

Type the command trust module :

set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Empathy , Input Y that will do .

3. Start encapsulating the driver

Download the first step ESXi The image and network card driver are put in the same folder .

open powershell, Use this to type the following command ( The path and file name need to be replaced ):

$esxiOfflineBundle = "C:\esxi\VMware-ESXi-7.0U3d-19482537-depot.zip"  # Appoint Office Bundle Version of Esxi route 
$intelNicOfflineBundle = "C:\esxi\Net-Community-Driver_1.2.7.0-1vmw.700.1.0.15843807_19480755.zip" # Specify the network card drive path 
$esxiImageProfileName = "ESXi-7.0U3d-19482537-standard"
$newImageProfileName = "ESXi-7.0U3d-19482537-Intel-i225"  # The configuration file name is optional , The best and last output ISO Keep file names consistent 
Add-EsxSoftwareDepot $esxiOfflineBundle
Add-EsxSoftwareDepot $intelNicOfflineBundle
New-EsxImageProfile -CloneProfile $esxiImageProfileName -Name $newImageProfileName -Vendor ashin
Add-EsxSoftwarePackage -ImageProfile $newImageProfileName -SoftwarePackage "net-community"
Export-EsxImageProfile -ImageProfile $newImageProfileName -ExportToIso -FilePath "C:\esxi\ESXi-7.0U3d-19482537-Intel-i225.ISO" # Enter the path of the file, that is, the name 

Make sure that each of the above commands does not report an error , Warnings in yellow font can be ignored , The red font indicates an error , If an error is reported, the problem of error reporting shall be solved .

After success , The corresponding folder will generate encapsulated ESXi iso Mirror image :

meanwhile , Self testing powershell6.x Above version , Will report all kinds of mistakes , The fatal error is VMware.ImageBuilder module Current... Is not supported powershell edition , Replaceable to 5.x Version USES ,powershell History version download , Download here .

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