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Ethernet channel Ethernet channel

2022-08-10 13:07:00 angry curly hair

EtherChannel  ether channel

EtherChannel  ether channel
Bundle multiple Ethernet links as 1channel is used,Increase available bandwidth,最多8link bundle,即2、4、8.
注意:All link ports that make up a channel must have the same attributes,such as duplex,速率,trunk等.
      There is no full sense of load balancing between the links in the channel,The method of distributing traffic on the link is mentioned below.Bundle multiple Ethernet links as 1channel is used,Increase available bandwidth,最多8link bundle,即2、4、8.
注意:All link ports that make up a channel must have the same attributes,such as duplex,速率,trunk等.
      between the links in the channel

Eth-trunk :Ethernet relay

Channel technology logically integrates multiple physical interfaces into one interface,实现带宽叠加的作用

二层ether-trunk :提高链路的带宽,Reduced the number of blocked ports,Add three layers of network stabilityether-trunk :Increased link bandwidth,增加网络的稳定性

LACP:链路聚合控制协议,公有协议,发送LACPDUNegotiate the ether channel,Maximum support is at16Ethernet channel negotiation on the link, 只能使用8条,当使用16link to negotiate,选择8条为主链路,其余8bar is the backup link

Ether-trunk配置指南:(注意: 在华为中,eth-trunkThe physical interface in can not be configured,所有的配置都是在eth-trunk 接口中)

1.All interfaces within the channel must support iteth-trunk

2.All interfaces within a channel must have the same speed and duplex mode(LACPMust be full duplex)

3.If the interface is access,must be allaccess,并且属于同一VLAN

4.If the interface is trunk ,must have the sametrunk VLAN 允许列表

5.If three layers are enabledether-trunk,则IP地址配置在eth-trunk .

6.All interfaces in the channel are connected to the same device to create an Ethernet trunk interface:


Zone the physical interface ineth-trunk接口:


Check the status of the Ethernet trunk interface:


Adjust the load balancing mode of the interface:


冗余:Backup Link Redundancy Equipment Redundancy Power Redundancy

Engine redundancy--------RPR(2-4分钟)      RPR+(1-2分钟)      sso(standby  Switchover) over  nsf(Uninterrupted forwarding )网关冗余:HSRP(Hot Backup Gateway Redundancy Protocol)   VRRP   GLBP(网关负载均衡协议)  

 VRRP :虚拟网关冗余协议,工业标准




                                                                                               固定,VRRP    VRID numbered features:

1.hello时间1s  hold时间3.6

2.在选过程中发送hello,若选After completion onlymaster 发送hello,源Mac地址为Vmac,目标IP地


3.选一个master 多个backup

4.Preemptive opening

5.VRRP  master selection: 1.Compare the highest priority    2.Compare the largestIP地址  (优先级默认为100 , 范围

1-255 ,数值越大越优)

6.VRRP中的虚拟IPThe address can also be the real one of a backup network segmentIP地址 ,At the same time, the priority of the backup network segment defaults to

255.(HSRP  GLBPcannot be trueIP地址)






VRRP 切换:

Downlink handover:不VRRP的超时时间有关,默认为3s

Uplink handover:Not related to reconvergence of routing tables,可以使用track 跟踪  (优化)

VRRP 实现流量的负载均衡: 需要创建多个VRID 组 ,One group oneVIP  同的VRID The settings are differentmaster 路由器;


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