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LSTM-based distributed energy generation prediction (Matlab code implementation)

2022-08-10 01:25:00 Electrical Engineering Workshop













1 长短期记忆神经网络

1.1 网络介绍

1.2 网络训练

2 基于 LSTM Distributed energy generation forecastmatlab仿真结果

3 参考文献 

4 Matlab代码

5 写在最后 


1.1 网络介绍

VFAP The heating load data of the system are non-linear data,and has time continuity, It is best to have time to deal with such issues
step recurrent neural network Recurrent Neural Network,RNN),But as the amount of collected data increases,RNN The gradient vanishing problem is prone to occur during training, This results in premature data being easily lost during training. LSTM 作为 RNN 的一种变体,可以解决 RNN Gradient vanishing and gradient explosion problems during training, It is mostly used in nonlinear time series forecasting,LSTM 的网络结构如图 5所示.
                                          LSTM 网络结构
网络采用 3 个门控结构, Turn the hidden layer into cells with memory. Its memory function is:
                      \left\{\begin{array}{l} f_{t}=\sigma\left(W_{\mathrm{fx}} x_{t}+W_{\mathrm{fh}} h_{t-1}+W_{\mathrm{fc}} h_{t-1}+b_{\mathrm{f}}\right) \\ i_{t}=\sigma\left(W_{\mathrm{ix}} x_{t}+W_{\mathrm{ih}} h_{t-1}+W_{\mathrm{ic}} h_{t-1}+b_{\mathrm{i}}\right) \\ o_{t}=\sigma\left(W_{\mathrm{ox}} x_{t}+W_{\mathrm{oh}} h_{t-1}+W_{\mathrm{oc}} h_{t-1}+b_{\mathrm{o}}\right) \\ \overline{\mathrm{c}}_{t}=\tanh \left(W_{\mathrm{cx}} x_{t}+W_{\mathrm{ch}} h_{t-1}+b_{\mathrm{c}}\right) \\ c_{t}=f_{t} \cdot c_{t-1}+i_{t} \cdot \overline{\mathrm{c}_{t}} \\ h_{t}=o_{t} \tanh \left(c_{t}\right) \end{array}\right.
式中:ft,it,ot,ct 分别为遗忘门输入门Output gates and memory cell state quantities;Wfx,Wix,Wox 为输入层 xt 和隐含层 ht t The associated weight of the moment;Wfh,Wih,Woh for the hidden layer t~t-1 The associated weight of the moment;Wfc,Wic,Woc for cellst~t-1 The associated weight of the moment;Wcx,Wch are the association weights between the cell and the input and the cell and the hidden layer, respectively;bf,bi,bo,bc Offsets for individual gating units and cells;ht-1 is the output of the previous unit cell,ht t The output value of the cell at time;σ 为 sigmoid 激活函数.

1.2 网络训练

The input layer data is specified as VFAP The multi-feature quantities of the heating system are expressed as :
                             \left[\begin{array}{c} \boldsymbol{F}_{1} \\ \boldsymbol{F}_{2} \\ \cdots \\ \boldsymbol{F}_{n} \end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{cccc} f_{1,1} & f_{1,2} & \cdots & f_{1, m} \\ f_{2,1} & f_{2,2} & \cdots & f_{2, m} \\ \cdots & \cdots & \cdots & \cdots \\ f_{n, 1} & f_{n, 2} & \cdots & f_{n, m} \end{array}\right]
LSTM Sample format for the input layer of the network 为samples,steps,features),samples for each training batch,stepsis the feature step size for each slide,features is the input parameter feature quantity. Its dimensions are counted as m,Let the operating data of the heating period system be M,The time step size is t,特征个数为 f,the system is sharedM-t 个样本, 基于 LSTM 神经网络的 VFAP The specific steps of system load prediction are as follows.


2 基于 LSTM Distributed energy generation forecastmatlab仿真结果














3 参考文献 

[1]胡洋,程志江,Cui Lan.基于LSTMinverter solar energy-Hourly load forecasting research of air source heat pump system[J].可再生能源,2022,40(07):866-873.DOI:10.13941/j.cnki.21-1469/tk.2022.07.017.

[2]Bi Guihong,赵鑫,李璐,Chen Shilong,Chen Chenpeng.Two-mode decompositionCNN-LSTMAn integrated short-term wind speed prediction model[J/OL].太阳能学报:1-10[2022-08-09].DOI:10.19912/j.0254-0096.tynxb.2021-1307.

[3]赵鑫,Chen Chenpeng,Bi Guihong,Chen Shilong.基于PAM-SSD-LSTM的短期风速预测[J/OL].太阳能学报:1-7[2022-08-09].DOI:10.19912/j.0254-0096.tynxb.2021-0900.

4 Matlab代码


5 写在最后 



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