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Lilac Garden

2022-08-10 14:59:00 Su Shiyi


This morning in the circle of friends to see the teacher reproduced weibo hot search,Lilac Garden series accounts,Including the lilac garden、丁香医生、丁香妈妈、丁香生活研究所、Lilac Garden's drug assistants were banned from multiple platforms.At present, the WeChat public account is still normal,The reason for the ban is to violate relevant laws and regulations.

me and the news

First said this“Violating relevant laws and regulations”,Our country is a typical statutory law country,法无明文规定不处罚,So it can be pointed out which laws and regulations are illegal?,rather than a particularly vague word“相关”.If it is unnecessary,那我无话可说,because we have this tradition.

其次“禁言”,To ban is to ban you from speaking,But our constitution expressly stipulates,freedom of speech cannot be restricted.Isn't this fighting our constitutional ideals?!Contrary to the modernization of the rule of law proposed by our country,And I think it's undermining the road to the rule of law in our country.

The last slogan put forward by the May Fourth Movement that year“赛先生”,Just let us respect science,Now it seems that the spirit of the May Fourth Movement is dead in name only.The abandonment of scientific ideas is the sorrow of my Chinese sons and daughters.


1.Contradictions with Traditional Medicine:Friends who know Lilac Garden should know,Lilac Garden and Tianjin Quanjian、鸿茅药酒、Even Hua Qingwen had conflicts,In the end there was no winner,But to have a positive meaning is to advance the concept of modern medicine a step in the public discussion..

An important concept of Lilac Garden is to popularize science循证医学[1],It is bound to be and传统医学[2]irreconcilable conflict.There are not only deep-rooted traditional ideas here,also have national feelings.These two reasons together restrict the popularization of the concept of modern medicine in China,On the contrary, it also attracted a lot of infamy.But for what Doctor Clove did,I personally admire,It takes courage and social responsibility,instead of just relying on the keyboard.

2.moved someone else's cheese:Chinese patent medicine now has a large market share,In particular, the development momentum of Chinese patent medicine injection is rapid.What Lilac Garden is doing is touching cheese.It's bound to be revenge,So the lilac garden has been controversial.The initiators are these traditional Chinese medicine preparation companies.他们财大气粗,So have the confidence to press the lilac garden to the ground and rub it.

Take Yiling Pharmaceutical as an example,Their annual PR costs are beyond your imagination.public data query:2021Yiling Pharmaceutical's total expenditure in the first three quarters67亿,The development costs for the spending5.4亿元,销售费用,即广告费、包装费、Promotion fee etc.,是28亿,销售费用占比41.7%.When a business spends most of its money on PR sales,A small part of the money goes to drug research and development,You can imagine how dark it is in here.

3.“正义网友”low scientific quality:Open the post and look at it, and there are many justice netizens applauding there.,而且人数还不少.This phenomenon can reflect that the popularization of scientific ideas still has a long way to go.If you don't believe me, just ask the people around you:What is a Phase IV clinical trial?What is a blind trial?Not many people know.But if more and more professionals abandon professional ethics,This is bound to cause harm to society.

me and the lilac garden

I think Lilac Garden is the best in the field of medical science,It is invaluable in popular science,I have forwarded their articles to the people around me more than once.Now it's going to be blocked,这令我非常恼火.

Lilac Garden is one that I often useAPP,原因两点:1.The popular science articles on it are full of pictures and texts,Very easy to read and understand.2.It is very convenient to seek medical advice,就拿我来说:Some small problems encountered did not go to the hospital,Just consult a doctor on the lilac garden,Finally got a perfect solution,Let our province and effort.

A story about me and Chinese patent medicine injection

Daughter-in-law's postpartum nurse comes to give injections,because i always knew,Chinese patent medicine injection is ubiquitous in the hospital.So be careful and ask the nurse.,What are these two medicines??护士说:Motherwort Injection and Oxytocin.At that time, my first impression was that this motherwort is a Chinese patent medicine injection.,For the name of this oxytocin, I feel like western medicine.Then I told the nurse:wait for a while,I'll check with Dr. Clove first.Then I found a doctor on Dr. Lilac and asked,医生说:Motherwort injection is a traditional Chinese medicine,Oxytocin is a western medicine,Oxytocin is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines.我又问:Does Motherwort have Phase III clinical experimental data?,doctor answer:没有.Then I made sure that this motherwort injection can't be used,And this oxytocin is available.

During this period, my wife told me:“Since the medicine prescribed by the hospital,That shouldn't be a problem“.The contradiction I encounter here is my scientific concept and the authority from the hospital doctor, which side should I believe?.But in the end I choose to believe in myself,Of course, there is also the help of Dr..

事后,出院的时候,the nurse told me,Said it's been working for several years,I am the first to question this motherwort injection,Lilac Garden she is also watching.

在那一刻,I still feel a little bit great,People need to be suspicious.Later I went to checkFDA认证,Once again confirmed my judgment.


I'm Sue eleven,I try to fight the nothingness with words,Of course, I also hope that Lilac Garden can survive.,不要倒下.



循证医学: The practice of evidence-based medicine emphasizes both personal clinical experience and the use of existing、best research.A good clinician should have extensive clinical experience,Clinical practice can be guided by the best available scientific evidence,两者缺一不可.The best existing scientific research basis mainly refers to the clinical research basis.Basic theory or animal experiments, etc.,It is used as a reference in the absence of clinical research basis,Humans are more complex than animals,There are many influencing factors.The effect of a treatment in animals or in theory does not equal its actual effect in patients.This practical effect needs to be proved by clinical trials.


传统医学: Traditional medicine is given priority to with personal experience,Doctors based on their own practical experience、Guidance from senior physicians、Treat patients on the basis of scattered research reports in textbooks and medical journals.The result is that some truly effective therapies have not been clinically adopted for a long time because they are not known to the public;Some treatments that are actually ineffective or even harmful are long-term due to theoretical inferences that they may be effective、广泛使用.


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