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Maykle Studio - Second Training in HarmonyOS App Development

2022-08-11 06:16:00 C_yyy89


This article is my second training note for HamonyOS application development. As a developer of the IOT team of Maykle Studio, I must master certain HarmonyOS application development techniques, and I believe that HarmonyOS will be more powerful in the future.I would also like to thank Ms. Xiaolan for her explanation.

Learning materials:

Hongmeng 2.x System Application Development Front-end Basic Tutorial-12 Episodes Completed_bilibili

Technical Fatty- Huawei Hongmeng System Application OpenHarmony JS Front-end Development Basic Tutorial-End(jspang.com)

badge-Container Component-Component-JS Extended Web-like Development Paradigm-Mobile Phone, Tablet, Smart Screen andSmart Wear Development-JS API Reference-HarmonyOS Application Development

One, the use of custom components

Below is technical documentation

This is the finished effect

Second, the realization of the communication function between parent and child components

Below is technical documentation

This is the realization effect

Three, the realization of routing function

Below is technical documentation

Realize the effect display

