The production process

Create a new sphere in the scene (Planet) And a capsule (Player), Scale and add materials appropriately , Here, the capsule will be regarded as a player

Then set the camera to capsule (Player) A child object of

Adjust the appropriate camera angle by yourself

New script GravityArrtacter, Add to Planet On

public class GravityAttracter : MonoBehaviour
public float gravity = -10; // The magnitude of gravity
public void Attract(GameObject obj) // The way to attract objects , Pass in the object that needs to be attracted
Transform body = obj.GetComponent<Transform>();
Vector3 gravityUp = (body.position - transform.position).normalized; // Planet to player vector
Vector3 bodyUp = body.up; // The positive upward direction of the object being attracted body.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(gravityUp * gravity);// Attract objects , The magnitude of gravity is negative , The direction changes to the direction of the object to the planet // Rotate an axis from parameter 1 to parameter 2 ( World space ) The direction of , Here is to rotate the top of the object to the direction of gravity ,
// But an axis cannot determine the state of rotation of an object ,* body.rotation Get the target direction that the object needs to rotate
Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(bodyUp, gravityUp) * body.rotation;
// Interpolation , rotate
body.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(body.rotation, targetRotation, 50 * Time.deltaTime);

Set your own gravity , Negative numbers here indicate the direction of gravity

New script Body, Add to Player On

public class Body : MonoBehaviour
public FauxGravityAttracter attracter; // Declare the planet's gravity
private Rigidbody myRigidbody; void Start()
myRigidbody = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); // Get the object rigid body
myRigidbody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation;// Cancels rigid body collision rotation effects
myRigidbody.useGravity = false; // Cancel the influence of world space gravity
} void Update()
attracter.Attract(gameObject);// Pass in the parameter , The object is attracted

Set the corresponding parameters

newly build PlayerController, Add to Player On

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
public float moveSpeed = 15f;
private Vector3 moveDir;
private Rigidbody myRigidbody; void Start()
myRigidbody = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
private void FixedUpdate()
myRigidbody.MovePosition(myRigidbody.position + transform.TransformDirection(moveDir) * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
} void Update()
moveDir = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical")).normalized;

Set the movement speed

This simulates walking on the surface of the planet

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