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DW basic tutorial (I)

2022-04-23 21:22:00 Programmer's simplicity

1. First of all, we need to know what DW,DW The full name is Adobe Dreamweaver, abbreviation DW,DW Initially Macromedia company-developed , To 2005 By the Adobe Company purchase .DW It is a WYSIWYG web page code editor integrating web page making and website management . Use right  HTMLCSSJavaScript And so on , Programmers can design web pages anywhere .

2. So we first know what is HTMLCSSJavaScript.

3.HTML yes Hypertext markup language (Hyper Text Markup Language), A standard common markup language Applications .HTML Not a programming language , It's a kind of Markup language  (markup language), yes Necessary for web page making .

4.CSS yes Cascading style sheets ( English full name :Cascading Style Sheets) It's a form of expression HTML or XML( A subset of Standard General Markup Language ) Etc. File style computer language .CSS Not only can you statically decorate a web page , It can also be used with various script languages Format the elements of the web page dynamically ./*-- Cascading [kæˈskeɪdɪŋ]  Sheets [ʃiːts]*/

5.JavaScript It's one A literal translation of a script , Is a dynamic type 、 Weak type 、 Prototype based language , Built in support type . Its interpreter is called JavaScript engine , Part of browser , Scripting language widely used in clients , The first is in the HTML( An application under the standard generic markup language ) Use on Web page , To give HTML Add dynamic function to web page .

6. Okay , Let's start with HTML Begin to learn , What is? HTML label ?

Learn web development , First you have to know how to write and construct HTML Mark , use HTML Tags convey what you want to show users , Like words 、 picture 、 Audio and video, etc .HTML Specifies a set of labels , Used to mark the content as unnecessary . Each tag is a description of what it contains .

7. What's the difference between a closed label and a closed label

The basic format of the closed label is as follows : 

< Tag name > Text content  </ Tag name >

You can add some attributes to this tag , for example : 
< Tag name attribute _1=" Property value " attribute _2=" Property value "> Text content </ Tag name >

a key : Closed labels are in pairs

The closed label and case are given below

  1. <h1> This is the title tag </h1><!--h1 It's the title tag -->  
  2. <p id="txtp"> This is the paragraph tag </p><!--p It's a paragraph label -->  
  3. <!-- there id Attribute ,txtp It's property value -->  


8. Self closing label

The basic format of self closing and label is as follows :

< Tag name attribute _1=" Property value " attribute _n=" Property value " />

Here's a closed label and a case .

  1. <img  src="tupian.jpg" alt=" This is a little squirrel ">  
  2. <!--img The label is a picture label   Used to display pictures in the browser   attribute src(source  source ) "images/mycat.jpg" by src The attribute value   Here is the path of the picture file  alt(alternative  Substitute content ) The definition is that the picture fails for some reason  

9.HTML The comments in

Annotations are often used in programming. The so-called annotations , seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function , Mark and explain .

  1. <!-- Here is the content of the note -->  

With <!-- start , With --> ending . The contents of the comments are displayed between them , The content of the comment will not be displayed in the browser .

10. Then write down the following code

h1-h6 Different font sizes ,1 Maximum 6 Minimum , It's the title tag ,

p, It's a paragraph label ,

img, It's a picture label .

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