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Today's bug, click on the bug that the Windows dynamic wallpaper disappears in the win10 taskbar, and no solution has been found yet.

2022-08-10 19:02:00 Pymili

What live wallpaper software do you all use on your desktop?wallpaper engine ? or homemade software?Open source software on github?The author also uses Python and tkinter to make a simple dynamic wallpaper program.I found a bug in one afternoon of use and haven't found a fix yet.

Click the win10 taskbar view after running the program

The wallpaper on the desktop successfully disappeared (or was removed), this bug is not only in the program I wrote, it is on githubI found two programs.OUS Wallpaper Wallpaper.Maker also has this bug after testing the two programs.

No reason has been found, guess it may be that when the user clicks on the task view window and refreshes the pm window of the program, the wallpaper is pushed out (just guess)

The implementation method of live wallpaper is to see the big guy:Draw Behind Desktop Icons in Windows 8+ - CodeProjectThe article realizes it.0x052c Information.

"""The window sends a message"""def pretreatmentHandle():hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow("Progman", "Program Manager")win32gui.SendMessageTimeout(hwnd, 0x052C, 0, None, 0, 0x03E8)hwnd_WorkW = Nonewhile 1:hwnd_WorkW = win32gui.FindWindowEx(None, hwnd_WorkW, "WorkerW", None)# print('hwmd_workw: ', hwnd_WorkW)if not hwnd_WorkW:continuehView = win32gui.FindWindowEx(hwnd_WorkW, None, "SHELLDLL_DefView", None)# print('hwmd_hView: ', hView)if not hView:continueh = win32gui.FindWindowEx(None, hwnd_WorkW, "WorkerW", None)# print('h_1: ',h)while h:win32gui.SendMessage(h, 0x0010, 0, 0) # WM_CLOSEh = win32gui.FindWindowEx(None, hwnd_WorkW, "WorkerW", None)# print(h)breakreturn hwnd
"""Window creates child window"""def main(WindowsTitle, SleepTime):global _id_while True:_HWND = get_hwnd_from_name(WindowsTitle)if_HWND:_id_ = _HWNDsleep(SleepTime)win32gui.SetParent(_HWND, pretreatmentHandle())breakelse:continue

Is there anyone with experience who can solve this bug?

