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CLUSTER DAY01 (Introduction to cluster and LVS, LVS-NAT cluster, LVS-DR cluster)

2022-08-11 07:00:00 zoujiangMr

Case 1: ipvsadm command usage
Case 2: Deploy LVS-NAT cluster
Case 3: Deploy LVS-DR cluster

1 Case 1: ipvsadm command usage

1.1 Question
Prepare a Linux server, install the ipvsadm software package, practice using the ipvsadm command, and achieve the following functions:

  1. Use the command to add some TCP-based cluster services
  2. Add several backend real servers to the cluster
  3. To achieve the same client access, the scheduler assigns a fixed server
  4. Ipvsadm will be used to add, delete and modify rules
  5. Save ipvsadm rules

1.2 Scheme
Install the ipvsadm software package. For the usage of ipvsadm, please refer to the man ipvsadm information.

The common ipvsadm command syntax format is shown in Table-1 and Table-2.

Table-1 ipvsadm command options
insert image description here

Table-2 ipvsadm syntax examples

