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Excel English automatic translation into Chinese tutorial

2022-08-10 23:40:00 147SEO

Excel English to Chinese translation, today I will share with you a free and easy-to-use excel English to Chinese translation software, which brings together some of the best translation platforms in the world (Baidu/Google/ You Dao), why are so many people using it?First of all, the translation quality is high and there are many options.The second point supports translation of various languages, the third point can translate various documents in batches, and the fourth point retain the format before translation.The fifth point supports collecting translations.Please refer to the following pictures for details!!!

I. Introduction of free excel English to Chinese translation software

1. Support multi-high-quality multi-language platform translation (Batch Baidu Translate/Google Translate/Youdao Translate makes the content quality even higher).

2. Only need to batch import files to achieve automatic translation, retain the original layout format after translation

3. At the same time, it supports mutual translation of articles: Chinese translation into English and then translated back to Chinese.

4. Support collection and translation (can directly collect English websites for translation)

Excel English to Chinese translation However, whether it is a corporate blog or a personal blog, if you want more traffic, you must do a good job in blog optimization.For optimizing blogs, the most important thing is to optimize their content.Here are a few brief suggestions:

One, blog theme optimization

If you want more traffic and higher rankings, choosing a blog theme is critical.Excel English translation into ChineseThe theme of the blog should be clear, and you can choose some popular topics in the industry today, because these topics often have a high search volume.In addition, you can also choose some more controversial topics to express your opinions. Of course, the choice of such topics should be cautious, otherwise it may be disgusted by users.

For bloggers to have more repeat visitors, bloggers really need to work on the topic of the blog post.Ideally, the topic of each blog post should be designed to help users solve real problems, and not make them feel boring and useless.

Blog content optimization

Second, the title of the blog post

First, let's talk about the blog post title.Although we do not advocate becoming a headline party to deceive readers, excel English translation into Chinese, but the title of the blog post does need to be properly decorated.Before drafting a title, think about what keywords users often use to search for related topics, or we can think about how to determine the title of an article from a user's point of view.On this basis, plus some decorative, eye-catching words can become a very good title.Note that the article title must contain keywords.

Three, the content of the article

Let's talk about the content of the article.After the topic of the blog post is determined, the keywords to be optimized can be determined.Excel English translation into ChineseFor the optimization of keywords in blogs, the density of keywords in articles is very important. Generally, the keyword density of an article can be maintained at about 2%~8%..There should be regular updates to blog posts, and it is best to keep them updated within 2 to 3 days.You can update 2~3 articles at a time, and you must not update too many articles at one time.Also, the structure of your blog post is important.Appropriate use of H tags, bolding and italicizing some important words will help make the structure of the blog post clearer.

4. Internal link optimization and page design

In each article, it is best to select relevant keywords to link to the home page, excel English translation into Chinese This can not only guide users to read better, improve user experience, but also haveConducive to the formation of a good internal web page structure.The design of blog pages also follows the principle of simplicity, because search engines usually prefer to crawl simpler website structures.The appearance of the web page is simple and elegant, and there is no need for too many fancy decorations.

In addition, the domain name of the blog should also be standardized. If the WWW domain name is not used, it and the related domain name should be set to 301 redirect; the spam message of the blog is also a big taboo. Regularly cleaning these spam messages with tools also helps the bloggerOne of the ways to get better rankings; excel English to Chinese should minimize the use of visual elements such as pictures, videos, etc. in the blog, because these visual elements are likely to fail in poor network conditions.Open, and relative to that, search engines prefer text.

