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virtual address space

2022-08-10 22:30:00 dry rice white

In the early days when there was no virtual memory, the memory was divided directly for the program in memory.This will cause some problems

The process address space is not isolated: Since the program directly accesses the memory, in the case of multiple processes, some malicious programs can modify the data of other programs at will, which is obviously unwillingsaw.Even some non-malicious programs may cause data changes in other programs when used inappropriately. We hope that the error of removing the program will not affect other programs.

Low memory usage efficiency: For example, the memory size is 128MB, and our A program and B program have already occupied 110MB. At this time, the C program with a size of 20MB needs to run, and there is free space in the memory at this time.If it is not enough, then part of the data of the memory occupied in the program in use will be copied to the disk for storage, and enough space will be moved out for the C program.This involves copying in and out of a large amount of data, which greatly affects efficiency

The address where the program runs is uncertain: At this time, the memory of C is likely to be randomly allocated (A and B are not mentioned here), so the running address of C is uncertain.

To solve this problem?

Proposes the idea of ​​an intermediate isolation, that is to say, adding an intermediate layer indirectly to solve the access to the physical address.According to this method, the memory address accessed in the program is no longer an actual physical memory address, but a virtual address.How to implement it, map it through MMU (map f(x)=y).For each process, we only need to consider its own corresponding virtual address, the operating system can automatically help us correspond to the corresponding physical address, the operating system completes the mapping relationship, maps different programs in different areas, and realizes the processAddress space isolation.


People think of doing a one-to-one mapping between the virtual address space and the physical address space.The operating system ensures that the address spaces of different processes are mapped to different regions in the physical address space, so that address isolation can be formed.

Assume there are two processes A and B, the memory required by process A is 10M, and its virtual address space is distributed from 0x00000000 to 0x00A00000, and the memory required by process B is 100M, and its virtual address space is distributed from 0x00000000 to 0x06400000.Then, according to the segmentation mapping method, the mapping area of ​​process A in physical memory is 0x00100000 to 0x00B00000, and the mapping area of ​​process B in physical memory is 0x00C00000 to 0x07000000.Therefore, process A and process B are respectively mapped to different memory ranges, which do not overlap with each other, realizing address isolation.

(Brief understanding: Segmentation completes segmentation of physical memory according to the virtual address space of the process to ensure that different physical memory segments correspond to different processes, and we operate in the virtual address space in the program, and eachThe physical segment mapped by the virtual address space of the process is fixed, so there is no need to worry about modifying the data of other programs)

Note: In the virtual address space of each application, the starting address starts at 0, so As if each application is exclusive all memory space.In fact, not in physical memory, physical memory is segmented


In the segmented method, the program is always loaded into memory every time the program is run, while the paging method is different.The idea of ​​paging is that the program allocate memory for which page is used when it is running, and the unused pages are temporarily kept on the hard disk.superior.When these pages are used, memory is allocated for these pages in the physical address space, and then establishes the link between the pages in the virtual address space and the physical memory pages just allocated.map.

A executable file (PE file) is actually a collection of compiled and linked data and instructions. It will also be divided into many pages and executed in the PE file.During the process, the unit it loads into memory is the page.When a PE file is executed, the operating system first creates a 4GB process virtual address space for the program.

To create a 4GB virtual address space is not really to create a space, just to create the data structure required by that kind of mapping mechanism,This data structure is page headings and page tables.

The core idea of ​​the paging method is to allocate a memory page y for the xth page when the executable file is executed to the xth page, and then add this memory page to the process virtual address space Mapping table, this mapping table is equivalent to a y=f(x) function.The application can access the y page associated with the x page through this mapping table.

The source of 4G

We all say that the size of the virtual address space is 0~4G, why is it 0~4G?Because the length of the pointer is 4 under the 32-bit platform, the addressing range of the pointer: 0x00000000-0xFFFFFFFF is exactly 0~4G capacity.

Details about virtual address space

Stack model, solver loading memory

Every program running in Linux is allocated a virtual address space by the operating system.

I've already said this, I don't want to say it


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