当前位置:网站首页>chrome is set to dark mode (including the entire webpage)

chrome is set to dark mode (including the entire webpage)

2022-08-11 10:44:00 blue maple swing


As a programmer, most editors and software actually prefer dark mode

Then, as the most contacted chrome browser, I also want to set it to dark color, but the way of modifying the theme can only make the edge of the home page and the browser dark, and can not achieve dark color for the actual visited webpage content



  1. Check whether the browser version is the latest version first, if not, you need to update it

    Open Settings=>About Chrome

    insert image description here
    insert image description here

  2. In the address bar enter chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark

    Insert image description here
    The default is default, which needs to be changed to Enabled

    After making the changes, restart the browser below

    insert image description here


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