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Primavera Unifier custom report creation and print sharing

2022-08-11 09:26:00 Broad bean brother



BPConfigure the download schema

准备工具 AEM及设计

The document applies the report template 

Oracle Primavera Unifier 自带打印功能,但原生的打印为基于老外的风格,对于很多国内的用户较为不适用,不过还好,Unifier 可以使用自定义报表模板来创建自己想要的报表风格

如对Unifier For those who don't know the product, you can read my previous blog to learn about it

U01.Primavera Unifier 产品特点,解决方案_蚕豆哥的博客-CSDN博客Oracle Unifier产品特点,业务方案,系统集成https://campin.blog.csdn.net/article/details/123076620


The current demo environment is based on Unifier 20.12 版本,我这里创建的BPIt is a visa form,Look at the original effect first

natively printedHTML与PDF格式相同,The specified fields and locations cannot be customized to display(当然,You can adjust the form layout of the upper form and line items of the quotient),I believe that some of the requirements can be met,而非全部,远远不够

因此,We need to focus on custom print templates

 How to create custom reports?

BPConfigure the download schema

 Download in a business processPDF架构,也可以理解为数据源

注,如果BPIt is named by Chinese name,那 The resulting schema file is“乱码” 名,  不用担心,不影响使用

准备工具 AEM及设计

 This time need to use a special report production work ,Adobe LiveCycle Designer

If I do not know why through such a special design tool,可以参考Unifie Administration Help

So, prepare this tool,It took a little effort to get the authorization to use it,不过需要注意的是,Adobe LiveCycle Designer 已改名 为 AEM (Adobe Experience Manager), 所以,找不到 LiveCycle students need special attention

 After some fiddling,Finally designed the basic effect (AEM Chinese language pack not found,Barely make do with English)

Save as anotherPDF 模板文件,上传-Upload到Unifier中 ​​​​

The document applies the report template 

单独打印,(You can also refer to the previous entry to enter the document details page to print separately)

 Select the print template you just uploaded to print the action,The browser will get a new print result file-PDF格式

注,This file is requiredadobe pdf阅读器打开,如果浏览器本身支持pdfView is unable to read the data in it

 我这里用的是Adobe Acrobat ,显示内容如下

 一般来说,The upper form data of the document is easier to design,Line items and visa details take into account that multiple lines are involved(子表格),需要通过AEMDesigner special settings,不懂 AEM LiveCycle It may take some effort to study

Adobe LiveCycle Designer 报表设计器_蚕豆哥的博客-CSDN博客Adobe LiveCycle Designer 是一款点按(point-and-click)图形表单设计工具,简称LC 9,它简化了表单设计的创建过程,以便以 AdobePDF表单形式分发https://campin.blog.csdn.net/article/details/125947175?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501

以上便是Primavera UnifierSet the content of the custom print

当然,To learn more about how the report is designed,可参考我的另一篇博文

Primavera Unifier -AEM Form Designer Essentials_蚕豆哥的博客-CSDN博客在上一章介绍Unifier如何配置自定义报表中,未对如何设计报表模板进行太多描述,为了能更好的帮忙大家了解AEM(Adobe Experience Manager)或Adobe LiveCycle Designer的设计要点,我将简单分享下此工具的几个设置要点...https://campin.blog.csdn.net/article/details/126213925


 这个行业的分享不多,希望更多感兴趣的朋友一同参与,探讨或合作 !

本人可提供Oracle 多种产品技术服务,包括产品的部署和维护及培训,欢迎与我取得联系!

如何联系蚕豆哥_蚕豆哥的博客-CSDN博客电邮:[email protected] (@gmail.com,@outlook.com)https://campin.blog.csdn.net/article/details/52950969


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