当前位置:网站首页>JMeter setting environment variable supports direct startup by entering JMeter in any terminal directory

JMeter setting environment variable supports direct startup by entering JMeter in any terminal directory

2022-04-23 16:09:00 Learning is boundless, happy to make a boat

1. Open at terminal .bash_profile file

vim ~/.bash_profile

2. Then add the environment variables , The contents are as follows ( English input method press "i")

notes :JMETER_HOME For you jmeter Download the corresponding directory of the package decompression , Need to be replaced with your own .

export JMETER_HOME="/Applications/apache-jmeter-5.4"

export PATH="$JMETER_HOME/bin:$PATH"

export CLASSPATH="$JMETER_HOME/lib/ext/ApacheJMeter_core.jar;JMETER_HOME/bin

3. Save and exit ( Press esc Return to English input method and press ":wq")

4. Make the change take effect immediately

source ~/.bash_profile

5. Check whether the path you set is correct

The terminal inputs the following commands in turn , Check that the output is consistent with your 2 Whether the path values set in step are consistent , If not, please check .



echo $PATH


6. test

If the above operation is correct , Input directly at the terminal jemter Yes, it can start successfully jmeter Of , as follows :


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