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Hyperbdr cloud disaster recovery v3 Release of version 3.0 | upgrade of disaster recovery function and optimization of resource group management function

2022-04-23 16:04:00 Wanbo Zhiyun oneprocloud

3 late ,HyperBDR Cloud disaster tolerance products have been officially released V3.3.0 edition .

In this version ,HyperBDR Cloud disaster tolerant products are in disaster recovery drills / When taking over , Support for more target cloud platforms IP Address assignment ; It also further optimizes the disaster recovery management function of the resource group .

HyperBDR Cloud disaster tolerance product update

Disaster recovery function upgrade

HyperBDR Cloud disaster tolerant products are in disaster recovery drills / In the takeover scenario , Add a designated private network for the target cloud platform IP Address and binding public network IP function , Support the following cloud platforms as the target cloud platform for disaster recovery :

  • OpenStack(Juno Above version ) And OpenStack Customized version

  • Tencent cloud

  • Hua Wei Yun

  • AWS Public cloud

  • Alibaba cloud

  • There are clouds in the golden mountains

  • Mobile and cloud

  • Mobile cloud

2   Resource group Function optimization

  • The resources in the resource group can modify the disaster recovery configuration , It is convenient for users to personalize configuration and operation

  • Add task management of resource group , Users can clearly understand the task details of the resource group

  • Add resource synchronization data progress bar , It can better show the synchronization progress , Convenient for users to view

HyperBDRSaaS Version has been updated to the latest version currently released . Experience new cloud disaster tolerance products , Please scan the code to add official customer service wechat .

Exclusive customer service helps you apply for HyperBDR Cloud tolerance lisence The trial , The pre-sales team will provide you with professional services , Including experience products 、 Assist in testing, etc .

Want to know more about it Hyper BDR Cloud disaster tolerance products and Wanbo Zhiyun ,

Please visit the official website :https://www.oneprocloud.com/


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