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8266 obtain 18b20 temperature

2022-04-23 18:55:00 Brick Porter

8266 obtain 18B20 temperature , Network synchronization to bafayun . Finally, the real-time temperature can be obtained through mobile phone software or tmall wizard .

I used it here 8266 yes ESP01S. There are too few export interfaces for this board , If you have more operational needs, you'd better buy other models , By the way ,8266 Not a specific board , It's just a chip model . The difference between general boards is the use of flash And exported io The number of mouths is different , Of course, some boards have their own USB To serial chip , In this way, the data cable is directly connected to the computer USB It is more convenient to download the program by mouth , If you are learning, I think this serial chip is more convenient ,flash You'd better choose a bigger one , Lest some examples can't run .

1、 open arduino, Tools -》 Management of the library Enter in the filter onewire The following library I use

2、 Then search in the filter 18b20 Find the following library installation

Be careful library 2 Dependency Library 1, So actually, the library 2 Don't be able to , Call or encapsulate the library by yourself 1 .

3、 Download on bafayun 8266 Routine for   Put the address  https://cloud.bemfa.com/zip/ap.zip

4、 The installation package above is a ino file , Unzip or directly open and copy to your own project .

5、 stay Put this SSID and PSK Change to yourself wifi Your account number and password

6、 there UID Change to your own bafayun key and device name , I have already created the device name , If not established , Then go to bafayun's console to create a new theme , The last three use 004 Represents the sensor .

7、 Add a get 18B20 Function of , Be careful 18B20 It can be connected in parallel , If you want to read more than one, you need to use the... In the comment while Get multiple , Because I have only one here, I don't need it .

#define DHTPIN 2

DS18B20 ds(DHTPIN);

float GetDS18B02Temperature()
    // only one , If more than one needs while(ds.selectNext())
    return ds.getTempC();

 8、 Add a function to upload temperature

void upload()
    String upstr = "";
    upstr = "cmd=2&uid=" + UID + "&topic=" + TOPIC + "&msg=on#" + String(GetDS18B02Temperature()) + "\r\n";

 9、 Modify upload and receive logic , among bIsOn As a whole bool Variable .

void doTCPClientTick()
    // Check for disconnection , Disconnected and reconnected 
    if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
    if (!TCPclient.connected())
    { // Disconnect and reconnect 
        if (preTCPConnected == true)
            preTCPConnected = false;
            preTCPStartTick = millis();
            Serial.println("TCP Client disconnected.");
        else if (millis() - preTCPStartTick > 1 * 1000) // Reconnect the 
        if (TCPclient.available())
        { // Receive data 
            char c = TCPclient.read();
            TcpClient_Buff += c;
            TcpClient_preTick = millis();

            if (TcpClient_BuffIndex >= MAX_PACKETSIZE - 1)
                TcpClient_BuffIndex = MAX_PACKETSIZE - 2;
                TcpClient_preTick = TcpClient_preTick - 200;
            preHeartTick = millis();
        if (isOpen && (millis() - preHeartTick >= 10 * 1000))
            preHeartTick = millis();
        else if (millis() - preHeartTick >= KEEPALIVEATIME)
        { // Keep your heart beating 
            preHeartTick = millis();
            Serial.println("--Keep alive:");
            sendtoTCPServer("ping\r\n"); // Send a heartbeat , Instruction needs \r\n ending , See the introduction of access document for details 
    if ((TcpClient_Buff.length() >= 1) && (millis() - TcpClient_preTick >= 200))
        Serial.print("Rev string: ");
        TcpClient_Buff.trim();          // Remove first space 
        Serial.println(TcpClient_Buff); // Print received messages 
        String getTopic = "";
        String getMsg = "";
        if (TcpClient_Buff.length() > 15)
        { // Be careful TcpClient_Buff It's just a string , Initialization is done at the beginning of the above  String TcpClient_Buff = "";
            // At this time, you will receive the push instruction , The instruction is about  cmd=2&uid=xxx&topic=light002&msg=off
            int topicIndex = TcpClient_Buff.indexOf("&topic=") + 7;    // c Language string lookup , lookup &topic= Location , And move 7 position , Don't understand Baidu c Language string lookup 
            int msgIndex = TcpClient_Buff.indexOf("&msg=");            // c Language string lookup , lookup &msg= Location 
            getTopic = TcpClient_Buff.substring(topicIndex, msgIndex); // c Language string interception , Intercept to topic, Don't understand Baidu c Language string interception 
            getMsg = TcpClient_Buff.substring(msgIndex + 5);           // c Language string interception , Intercepted message 
            Serial.println(getTopic); // Print the intercepted subject value 
            Serial.println(getMsg); // Print the intercepted message value 

        if (String(getMsg).startsWith("on"))
        { // If it's news == open 
            // upload();
            isOpen = true;
        else if (String(getMsg).startsWith("off"))
        { // If it's news == close 
            isOpen = false;
        TcpClient_Buff = "";
        TcpClient_BuffIndex = 0;

10、 Last whole code

    This sketch establishes a TCP connection to a "quote of the day" service.
    It sends a "hello" message, and then prints received data.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <DS18B20.h>

#ifndef STASSID
#define STASSID " Yours wifi Account number "
#define STAPSK " Yours wifi password "

#define server_ip "bemfa.com" // The default address of Bafa ECS can be 
#define server_port "8344"    // Server port ,tcp Maker cloud port 8344

String UID = " Yours UID"; // User private key , Available on the console , Change it to your own UID
String TOPIC = "t004";                           // Subject name , You can create a new 

const char *ssid = STASSID;
const char *password = STAPSK;

#define DHTPIN 2

DS18B20 ds(DHTPIN);

float GetDS18B02Temperature()
    // only one , If more than one needs while(ds.selectNext())
    return ds.getTempC();

// Maximum number of bytes 
#define MAX_PACKETSIZE 512
// Set the heartbeat value 30s
#define KEEPALIVEATIME 30 * 1000
// tcp Client related initialization , The default can be 
WiFiClient TCPclient;
String TcpClient_Buff = ""; // Initialize string , Used to receive data from the server 
unsigned int TcpClient_BuffIndex = 0;
unsigned long TcpClient_preTick = 0;
unsigned long preHeartTick = 0;    // heartbeat 
unsigned long preTCPStartTick = 0; // Connect 
bool preTCPConnected = false;
bool isOpen = false;
// TCP Initialize connection 
void doTCPClientTick();
void startTCPClient();
int sendtoTCPServer(String p);

 * Send data to TCP The server 
int sendtoTCPServer(String p)
    if (!TCPclient.connected())
        Serial.println("Client is not readly");
        return 0;
    return TCPclient.print(p);

 * Initialize and establish a connection with the server 
void startTCPClient()
    if (TCPclient.connect(server_ip, atoi(server_port)))
        Serial.print("\nConnected to server:");
        Serial.printf("%s:%d\r\n", server_ip, atoi(server_port));

        String tcpTemp = "";                                       // Initialize string 
        tcpTemp = "cmd=1&uid=" + UID + "&topic=" + TOPIC + "\r\n"; // Build subscription instructions 
        sendtoTCPServer(tcpTemp);                                  // Send subscription instructions 
        tcpTemp = "";                                              // Empty 
         // If you need to subscribe to multiple topics , The subscription instruction can be sent again 
          tcpTemp = "cmd=1&uid="+UID+"&topic="+ The theme 2+"\r\n"; // Build subscription instructions 
          sendtoTCPServer(tcpTemp); // Send subscription instructions 
          tcpTemp="";// Empty 

        preTCPConnected = true;
        preHeartTick = millis();
        Serial.print("Failed connected to server:");
        preTCPConnected = false;
    preTCPStartTick = millis();

void upload()
    String upstr = "";
    upstr = "cmd=2&uid=" + UID + "&topic=" + TOPIC + "&msg=on#" + String(GetDS18B02Temperature()) + "\r\n";
 * Check the data , Send a heartbeat 
void doTCPClientTick()
    // Check for disconnection , Disconnected and reconnected 
    if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
    if (!TCPclient.connected())
    { // Disconnect and reconnect 
        if (preTCPConnected == true)
            preTCPConnected = false;
            preTCPStartTick = millis();
            Serial.println("TCP Client disconnected.");
        else if (millis() - preTCPStartTick > 1 * 1000) // Reconnect the 
        if (TCPclient.available())
        { // Receive data 
            char c = TCPclient.read();
            TcpClient_Buff += c;
            TcpClient_preTick = millis();

            if (TcpClient_BuffIndex >= MAX_PACKETSIZE - 1)
                TcpClient_BuffIndex = MAX_PACKETSIZE - 2;
                TcpClient_preTick = TcpClient_preTick - 200;
            preHeartTick = millis();
        if (isOpen && (millis() - preHeartTick >= 10 * 1000))
            preHeartTick = millis();
        else if (millis() - preHeartTick >= KEEPALIVEATIME)
        { // Keep your heart beating 
            preHeartTick = millis();
            Serial.println("--Keep alive:");
            sendtoTCPServer("ping\r\n"); // Send a heartbeat , Instruction needs \r\n ending , See the introduction of access document for details 
    if ((TcpClient_Buff.length() >= 1) && (millis() - TcpClient_preTick >= 200))
        Serial.print("Rev string: ");
        TcpClient_Buff.trim();          // Remove first space 
        Serial.println(TcpClient_Buff); // Print received messages 
        String getTopic = "";
        String getMsg = "";
        if (TcpClient_Buff.length() > 15)
        { // Be careful TcpClient_Buff It's just a string , Initialization is done at the beginning of the above  String TcpClient_Buff = "";
            // At this time, you will receive the push instruction , The instruction is about  cmd=2&uid=xxx&topic=light002&msg=off
            int topicIndex = TcpClient_Buff.indexOf("&topic=") + 7;    // c Language string lookup , lookup &topic= Location , And move 7 position , Don't understand Baidu c Language string lookup 
            int msgIndex = TcpClient_Buff.indexOf("&msg=");            // c Language string lookup , lookup &msg= Location 
            getTopic = TcpClient_Buff.substring(topicIndex, msgIndex); // c Language string interception , Intercept to topic, Don't understand Baidu c Language string interception 
            getMsg = TcpClient_Buff.substring(msgIndex + 5);           // c Language string interception , Intercepted message 
            Serial.println(getTopic); // Print the intercepted subject value 
            Serial.println(getMsg); // Print the intercepted message value 

        if (String(getMsg).startsWith("on"))
        { // If it's news == open 
            // upload();
            isOpen = true;
        else if (String(getMsg).startsWith("off"))
        { // If it's news == close 
            isOpen = false;
        TcpClient_Buff = "";
        TcpClient_BuffIndex = 0;

void setup()

    // We start by connecting to a WiFi network
    Serial.print("Connecting to ");

    /* Explicitly set the ESP8266 to be a WiFi-client, otherwise, it by default,
       would try to act as both a client and an access-point and could cause
       network-issues with your other WiFi-devices on your WiFi-network. */
    WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)

    Serial.println("WiFi connected");
    Serial.println("IP address: ");

void loop()

Pay attention to modifying your information in the code . The temperature cannot be obtained after operation .

11、 In bafayun Console , Pushed a... To the device on The news of , After that, start uploading the temperature regularly . Of course, if you have a tmall elf , Just say to it “ Turn on the temperature sensor ” That's it .

So far, it is basically completed , In addition, bafayun also provides a platform for developing Android AI2Offline file . You can read the development documents by yourself .

Also upload an effect

Of course use TCP Developing one by yourself is also very simple . 

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