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concept noun

2022-08-11 07:14:00 Eating too much sugar will not gain weight

Explanation of CDC concepts and terms

CDC Concepts

CDC=Change Data Capture=Change Data Capture
is used to record changes in the database, such as update, delete, insert of the data table, CDC will capture these changes, and then record the capture for subsequent writing to the middle of the messagesoftware or other service subscription consumption.

CDC Type

CDC is mainly based on two methods, based on query or binlog.
Based on query: the common components are sqoop, KAFKA, JDBC source, the idea is batch processing, the delay is high and the pressure on the database is very high, and all data changes cannot be captured.
Based on binlog: The common components are Maxwell, canal, and debezium. The idea is to process in a streaming mode, with low latency, low pressure on the database, and capture of all data changes.


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